Welcome to Robin's Class 2020-21
Helpful Year 1 Resources:
Spelling Games:
Summer 2:
Friday 9th July
Only one more full week left as Robins. This week the children were able to enjoy some time in their new classroom and meet their teacher for next year. Our star of the week this week is Molly. Well done Molly, you always try your best. Great work.
Maths: We have continued learning about time this week. Children can now read the analogue clock to the hour and half hour. We have begun recording time events and comparing them. They really enjoyed timing each other completing a range of activities and working out the fastest time.
Literacy: We are looking at stories from other culture this week. We are focusing on a book from China, however, throughout the week we have read a range of stories from around the world. We have discussed what may be the same and what may be different. We have listened to music from China and looked at a traditional Chinese story.
RE: Our focus this week is showing how a church welcomes a new baby. Children discussed a christening and some of the different traditions that Christians have.
Science: In science we have explored some more materials. Children are now very comfortable using the correct scientific terms when describing the properties. They had to create a house for a teddy bear, and evaluate different materials to see that the house was waterproof and transparent.
There will be no new spellings sent home on Monday as this will be the last week. Can I please remind you to return all school books back to school before the end of the summer term. Thank you.
Have a wonderful and safe weekend. See you on Monday.
Summer 2:
Friday 2nd July
Wow! How are we in July already? Time is just flying by. We have had another successful week in in Robins. Our Robin’s star of the week is Lucia. Lucia could have this award every week. Well done Lucia, keep up the good work.
English: Children have been really engaged in our book Beegu. It is a story about a lost alien. Children have used some wonderful adjectives to describe Beegu and what he had seen on earth. Today they wrote character descriptions for Beegu.
Maths- It has all been about time. We have learnt how to read a calendar, say the days of the week and tell the time to the hour. Next week we will move on to telling the time to the half hour.
PE- Monday was a very wet PE lesson, but the children didn’t complain and put their all into it. On Wednesday lesson, we worked on fitness and challenging ourselves to beat our previous score. Fantastic effort from all of the Robins.
History- This week we learnt about a significant person related to our topic; Lewis Hamilton. Children have worked hard to learn what events in his life lead him to be a significant person and they created Fact Files.
RE- We have explored symbols of belonging in different religions. We have looked at how Jewish, Christian and Islamic followers show that they care for other people, and we have come up with some ways we can show we care for other people too.
Great work Robins. Just a polite reminder, if you have any school library books at home can you please remember to return them before the end of term. Have a wonderful weekend. See you on Monday.
Summer 2
Friday 25th June
What a day we have had! Sports Day has been amazing! I am so proud of all of the children. They showed fantastic sportsmanship skills. They all tried their best and cheered on their friends. Robins have shown me yet again what a wonderful, supportive and kind class they are. At the end of the day we all relaxed with some ice lollies. Well done Robins.
This morning, we learnt about healthy lifestyle and focused on healthy eating and drinking water. We also spoke about other ways to keep our body and minds healthy. Thank you to all the parents that helped us make the day so special.
Summer 2:
Friday 18th June
Another amazing week in Robins has just flown by. Before we know it I will be writing our final class year blog. This week our Star of the Week is Carter. Carter is full of awe and wonder and it was fantastic to see this on our school trip this week.
Maths: We have been looking at ordering and comparing numbers to 100. This week we have worked hard to be able to explain how we know if a number is bigger or smaller. We have looked in details at the tens and ones. Children’s problem solving skills have really improved and most children are able to articulate how they have answered their question.
English- This week we wrote a diary entry for the trip to Silverstone. I was so impressed with all the information that the children remembered. We have especially focused on writing in the past tense by using the ‘ed’ suffix.
History- Our class trip to Silverstone Museum was fantastic. The children had a wonderful time and we were lucky enough to be able to see F1 car being tested on the track. Children have learnt about the history of Silverstone and how cars have changed over time. What a fantastic trip!
ICT- It was Robins turn with the IPads this week. Children were introduced to spread sheets and have learnt how to input information. By the end of the week, children were inputting numbers into the cells and getting it to perform calculations. They were able to change the colour of the cells and attach pictures. Well done Robins, this was a tricky topic.
Next week is sports week, unfortunately parents are not allowed to attend but I will ensure we take a lot of photographs. Please remember spelling books on Monday and library books on Tuesday. Have a wonderful weekend and fingers crossed the weather improves.
Summer 2
Friday 11th June
Welcome back Robins. This is your last half term as Robins. It was great that the fantastic weather we had at half term has continued this week. Our star of the week this week is Freddie. Freddie has shown us what it means to be ready for his lessons and ready to learn when he arrives at school in the morning. Great work Freddie.
Maths- We have started looking at numbers above 50 for the first time. We have learnt about numbers all the way to 100. Children have been learning to partition numbers and identify the numbers that are bigger and smaller.
English- Each of us are important, that’s why when we write ‘I’ it has a capital letter. We have really focused on our capital letters and basic sentence writing. We have also looked at writing in the past tense. We noticed that by adding ‘ed’ on some words it makes it past tense.
History- We have started looking at Silverstone this week. Children have looked at why the racetrack was built at Silverstone. We have also looked at some of the first cars and how they have changed over time. Children were very happy that we have modern cars as it allows them to go on nice long trips.
PE- This week children had their first Tri-Golf lesson with James from pacesetters. They have learnt how to hold the golf club correctly and aim it at the hole. On Wednesday we started our practice for Sports Day with an athletics lesson with me. We have had great fun racing as house teams.
Art- Children really enjoyed art this week. They have started looking at how they can use natural materials to create art. Children had a wonderful time exploring the school environment to find different materials to use
On Tuesday we will go to Silverstone, please see Parentmail for all information regarding the school trip. Our library slot will be moved to later in the week. Enjoy another wonderful weekend of sunshine.
Robins: Summer 1
Friday 28th May
Well done Robins. You all deserve a restful half term in the sun. This week our star of the week is Jasper. Jasper is always ready, safe and respectful while making us laugh every day.
Maths: This week has been a recap week. We have revisited 2 and 3D shapes. Children are now very confident in naming and describing both of the shapes. We have also practised our addition and subtraction skills. Children will use these skills forever so it is important to return to these regularly.
English: Children have written their instructions on how to make a fruit salad. They may even want to make one for you over half term. We have learnt about verbs this week and have had great fun acting these out.
RE: This week our focus has been on how can care for people. Children came up with loads of different ways they can care for themselves and others around them.
Geography: Children have now finished their unit on Our School. They have drawn maps and made a key to accompany it. They have really enjoyed this unit and exploring paper and online maps.
Science: Children have also concluded their Plants unit this week. We have been tracking the changes to plants and trees over the seasons and children are able to identify the season it is by looking at a tree.
Have a wonderful half term. See you back in school on Monday 7th .
Robins: Summer 1
Friday 21st May
Even though the weather wasn’t ideal this week it did not stop us having a great time in Robins. One more week to go until the half term break, nearly there Robins. We can do this!
Jeff update: Jeff has now blossomed, we have one flower and hoping for another next week. The children have been taking it in turns to make sure he is watered. Our star of the week this week is Daisy. Her positivity radiates out and she brightens up our classroom every day. Keep smiling Daisy.
Math: Position and Direction. This has linked very nicely with our geography topic and maps. Children are able to use a range of language to describe turns. They have used their new fraction knowledge to help them do ½, ¼ and ¾ turns. Well done Robins, it is great to see them applying their fraction knowledge to new skills.
English: Our focus this week has been using question marks when we write. Our homework this week is based on using question marks. We have also started our instructions topic. Next week we will be writing our own instructions on how to make a fruit salad. Get ready to hear a lot of bossy verbs next week.
Geography: Children have been working so hard this half term on understanding maps and using this knowledge to draw a map of the school. We had a lot of fun this week exploring Ordnance Survey maps. Children enjoyed searching the maps for familiar places. They used the key to identify some human and physical features of geography.
PE: Children’s cricket skills have really improved. This week we were able to build on our skills to begin batting and running. We really enjoyed seeing how many runs they could get. Robins are looking forward to playing more cricket next week. Fingers crossed for better weather.
Robins, I am so proud of all of your learning and what you are achieving. You have worked incredibly hard this half term. Keep it up. I hope each and every one of you are proud of your own accomplishments. Have a wonderful weekend, see you on Monday.
Robins: Summer 1
Friday 14th May
Well done to all of the Robins for a wonderful week of learning. Out star of the week this week is Thomas. Thomas has shown real maturity in his approach to learning and behaviour in school. Well done Thomas, keep up the good work.
English: We have written our own stories this week based on ‘The Ugly Duckling’. As always children have impressed with me but this week especially with their vocabulary choices. There were fantastic stories about caterpillars and mice.
Maths: Fractions Fractions Fractions! This week has been all about fractions. Children have learnt how to a find half and quarter of quantities. They know that ½ is two equal groups and ¼ is 4 equal groups. Homework this week is based on fractions. This is due back in on Thursday.
DT: Children have really been enjoying their DT lessons. This week they made fruit salad. Children were able to identify where the fruit came from. This has been a great link to our science.
PSHE: A massive thank you to Jack’s Grandmother for donating the class a plant. This week we have been looking at taking responsibility for things. We now have a class plant called Jeff. The children have come up with ideas of how we can look after the plant and they will take it in turns to water it.
RE: This week we have looked at how people show they care for others and the planet. We looked at how people in school and at home help us and we have talked about ways of saying ‘Thank You’. In class children have made thank you cards to the people that help us.
Geography: Children’s map skills are really improving. This week we embarked on a treasure hunt around school. When children found the clues they had to mark their location on a map. They are now able to use a map to locate items and give directions.
A massive thank you again for your support with homework, reading and spellings. It really does make a difference to the children’s learning and it is great that the children are able to share what they have been learning in school with you at home.
Robins: Summer 1
Friday 7th May
I hope everyone enjoyed the extra day at home this week. We have had a great week even if it has only been for 4 days. My star of the week this week is Lainey. Lainey shows us every week why she could be our star of the week. She embodies our values of being ready respectful and safe.
English- We have really honed our skills on upper and lower case letters this week. We know that all of the upper case letters start at brave monkey. We have also been trying to use letter names when describing letters. This week we have also begun to learn the story The Ugly Duckling. We have created actions to retell the story. Ask your child at home, see if they can remember it.
Maths- Robins have had their first week learning about fractions this week. Children have been making half and wholes. We have used cubes and counters to make half of all the even numbers to 20. Children discovered that they were not able to make halves out of an odd number of cubes. Great maths skills Robins.
Geography- We have continued to explore maps. We can give directions using left and right and can use positional language to locate items on a map.
RE- This week we have looked at why we should look after the planet. We watched a video on the creation story and noticed that God tasked humans with looking after the plants and the animals. Children have been able to come up with different ways they can look after the plants, animals and our planet.
Thank you again for your support with learning at home. I understand it can be tricky to remember what is needed each day, here is a little reminder:
Spelling books: Monday
Library books: Tuesday
PE: Monday and Wednesday
Book change: Thursday
Homework: Handed out Friday, due back in the following Thursday.
Have a restful and safe weekend. See you all on Monday.
Robins: Summer 1
Friday 30th April
Happy Friday. Thank you for continuing to bring in the spelling books. I hope you have found these useful at home to have. Please can you return them to school on Tuesday. Our star of the week this week is Beth. Beth is always kind, caring and helpful in class. What a fantastic example Beth sets for all students. Well done Beth.
Maths: We have had a big week of maths learning this week. Children have now finished the first stages of multiplication and division. They have worked really hard to share equally between groups. Next week, we will begin learning about fractions.
English: Children have been looking at the book “The Dish ran away with The Spoon”. We have focused on predicting what will happen next. We have had great discussions about where Dish and Spoon may have gone. This week we have also introduced a new word ‘prefix’. Children know that this comes before a word. We have focused on the prefix ‘un’.
ICT: Children have been learning about coding this week. They have had to create backgrounds and they have started to create a simple game. I have been impressed with children resilience during these activities. Coding has been a tricky concept to grasp but children have worked hard to overcome barriers and are now able to give the computer clear instructions. Their perseverance paid off and the children create some fantastic backgrounds and characters.
Library: This week children were able to have access to the library. The children loved being back in the library and it was great to see them share books with each other. Each week, we will visit the library on a Tuesday. Children are to return the book they have borrowed and then they can take a new one out. If they would like to keep the book for another week that is fine, they do not need to bring it back into school on Tuesday. If children are reading the books from the library themselves, you can log this in their reading record.
Thank you so much for you continued support with reading and spellings at home. Homework will now be set on a Friday and is due back in the following Thursday. Homework is set via MS Teams, you do not need to print this off to hand into school.
Have a wonderful weekend, enjoy the extra day off. See you on Tuesday.
Robins: Summer 2021
Friday 23rd April
What a wonderful week we have had in Robins. We have made the most of the weather and have taken some of our learning outside. We hope to do this more as the summer term continues. My star of the week this week is Foster. Foster has really impressed me with his attitude to learning in and outside of the classroom.
Maths: Robins have worked really hard at making arrays. All children are now confident in spotting arrays and identifying rows and columns. We have had a lot of fun making these in class this week. Robins have also started looking at measuring and using a ruler. The tricky bit is to remember that we start measuring at 0 and not where the ruler starts.
English: This week we have written a setting description. Children have really challenged themselves to come up with amazing adjectives and to use them in their work. Children created their own setting and have amazed me again with their wonderful imaginations. I especially enjoyed reading about Snakeland. Thank you for bringing the spelling books in on Monday, I hope it has been helpful for you at home. Please remember to include these in the book bags on Monday.
PE: Again this week we have been lucky to have James from Pacesetters with us. He has been teaching the children tennis. I have been working with children on their cricket skills. Children have shown me they are able to catch a ball correctly using two hands.
PSHE: We have focused this week on our morning routine and personal hygiene. Children shared their morning routine in class and we discussed the importance of a healthy breakfast and handwashing. Children were able to recognise that a good morning routine sets them up for a good day of learning at school.
Geography: This week we have looked at Greens Norton on a map. Children were able to read the map and identify human and physical features in the village. They were able to explain what the different colours on the map means. Well done Robins.
Enjoy the sunshine Robins and have a fantastic weekend. I look forward to seeing you all on Monday.
Robins: Summer 2021
Friday 16th April
Welcome back Robins. What a wonderful first week back. The children are all well rested and have really hit the ground running. Thank you for keeping up the reading over the Easter break, it really does make a difference. My star of the week this week is Archie. During the Easter break Archie read most days and his commitment to his learning in class has been fantastic.
English: We have been writing cohesive sentences this week while describing settings. Children have been doing a really good job at linking their sentences using key words. Spelling books went home on Monday; please can you make sure they are back in the books bags for Monday so children can complete their spelling test and have their new spellings stuck in.
Maths- We have started looking at the first stages of multiplication. Children have been making equal groups and adding them together. Next week we will build on this and make and use arrays to help us multiply. At home it would be really helpful if you could practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
PSHE- This week we discussed the PANTS rule. This is a very important message for children. There are links to this on the NSPCC website. Children listened to a song and we talked about an adult that we could trust to talk to.
Geography- The focus this half term is our school. We have been looking at maps and aerial images of Greens Norton. Children have impressed me with their local knowledge. We have also begun to create our own aerial maps of the classroom.
Science- We have been looking at plants this week. We will look at wild and garden plants in more detail over the next few weeks. If you have any garden flowers at home it would be great to share the names with your child so they can tell us next week in lessons.
Well done on such a great first week back. Have a wonderful weekend.
Robins: Spring 2021
Friday 26th March
Well done Robins, we have made it to the end of the spring term. There has never been a term like this before. All of your hard work and dedication during lockdown learning has paid off and I can see the results of that in school. You and your parents deserve a big rest now. My star of the week this week is Jack. He is showing me that he wants to improve his learning by starting to challenge himself in different subjects. He has really impressed with his Science and History knowledge.
English: This week we have studying poetry, we have looked in detail at one poem and how the poet used rhyming to make it more enjoyable. We then rehearsed the poem and preformed it on Friday. Children had to practice their speaking and listening skills to make sure they were in time with the rest of the group.
Maths: We have finished this term by revisiting some of the maths that was learnt during the lockdown. Children have been able to showcase their work and some have been able to more on to more complex problem solving questions.
Art: Our art focus this half term has been Andy Warhol and Pop Art. Children have worked really hard to create their own Pop Art. They have had to use several different types of media to create their own Pop Art.
RE: We finished looking at the Easter Story. Children made some Palm crosses and we talked about the significant events that make up the Easter celebration. I have been really impressed with how the children have been able to link their own feelings with that of the Easter Story.
Have a wonderful Easter. See you soon.
Robins: Spring 2021
Friday 19th March
We have had another really busy week this week in Robins. I am happy to say that all of the children are settled in class and I am really enjoying seeing more of their wonderful personalities. Our star of the week this week is Logan. Logan has tried his best in everything he does this week, his hard work is paying off and I can see real progress in all areas of his learning. Well done Logan.
This week children wrote a fact file about an animal. They worked really hard to plan the fact file and have written it over two days. I was amazed with the fact files that Robins completed this week. I am so proud of each and every one of them.
We have been recapping on learning that was taught during lockdown. It has been great that children have been able to share some of the maths they learnt at home. A massive thank you to parents for your hard work during lockdown, the children have remembered a lot.
We have been looking at the artist Andy Warhol and learning about Pop Art. Children have been inspired by his multiple prints and bright colours. We are going to be creating our own Pop Art next week. This week children started to create the outlines for the design they will be using. The main focus of the lessons this week was using a tripod grip to control our pencil. If children are doing any writing or colouring at home it would be great if you could remind them of their correct pencil hold.
In science we have been looking in more detail at the different types of animals and noticing their similarities and differences. Challenge your children at home to identify the different groups of animals, I think you will be surprised with their knowledge in this area. I have been very impressed with their eagerness to learn in science and their use of correct scientific vocabulary.
Have a wonderful and restful weekend. I look forward to seeing you all on Monday for our last week of the Spring term.
Robins: Spring 2021
Friday 12th March
Welcome back Robins. It has been wonderful to welcome you all back into school this week. We have dived straight into our learning and the children have been working very hard. I imagine there will be a lot of tired children this evening. Our star of the week this week is Sofia. Sofia has been a wonderful role model working very hard in all lessons and being a kind friend to all on the playground.
Maths- Children have been recapping some learning that took place during lockdown. They have had fun comparing numbers to 50 and showing these in different representations.
English- This week we have been looking at fact files. Children have been learning about the different features and their special job. Today we looked at using conjunctions in our writing.
PE- We were very lucky to get to work with James from Pacesetters this week. He ran a house competition with the children on Monday. On Wednesday, we began looking at invasion games. Children were using a tennis ball to improve their hand eye co-ordination which will build up to us playing a mini game of tennis. For the rest of this term, PE will be on Wednesday and Thursday.
History- This week we made a big discovery in school. We found fossils in the school ground. Children used a lot of great scientific words as they made their discoveries. Children then analysed their fossils and began to draw conclusions as to what they might be. Children recapped learning that happened during lockdown and impressed me with how much information they remembered.
Computing- This week children used the IPad’s to create an e-book. The children were able to draw pictures, write the words and add animations and sounds to their books.
What a great first week back. Have a wonderful weekend, see you on Monday.
Robins 2020-21
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!
Thursday 17th December
What an incredible term! I have loved being Robin’s teacher, if only for a short while. I had savoured the last few days with the children whilst we’ve engaged in lots of festive crafts. We've enjoyed a pre-recorded pantomime, rehearsed our Christmas Robins song and enjoyed Christmas lunch!
It’s never easy leaving a class, especially half way through the year but I won’t be far away and plan to be back in after the Christmas break for a little bit.
Congratulations to Sofia for being our Star of the Week! Sofia is someone who could be chosen every week! She comes in every morning early and helps set up our classroom and is always keen to help me during the day. She works hard in every lesson and isn’t afraid to ask for help. She’s an absolute superstar and I am so grateful for all her help.
This week, we’ve focused on writing Christmas lists and letters to Santa and have recapped some of our tricky Maths topics. We’ve had some crafty afternoons producing Christmas cards, Christmas hats for our lunch and cards for the other classes.
Thank you for being so wonderfully supportive and for making Mrs Murphy and I feel so appreciated this term.
Thank you also for our lovely gifts and kind messages. We are so grateful for your feedback.
I shall be in touch in the New Year but remember I'm only a click away if you want to get in touch.
We hope you all have a really lovely Christmas!
Mrs Carter and Mrs Murphy
Robins 2020-21
Christingle and Crafts!
Friday 11th December
We’ve started the Christmas festivities and today spent time decorating the classroom, making our window display as part of the Nativity story, making Christmas cards and decorations to take home.
Congratulations to Alivia for being our Star of the Week! Alivia is one of the hardest working children we know! She always tries her best and shows sheer determination and resilience. These qualities are going to get her everywhere. She is also a really kind friend to all members of our class.
This is what we’ve been up to this week:
Literacy – In our book, the Jolly postman had to deliver a letter to the wolf from Little Red Riding Hood. He was quite worried about this job so we wrote out some fantastic descriptions of the wolf – using our best, varied adjectives.
Maths – We’ve been exploring one more and one less this week and numbers from 11-20. Some children are learning to spell the numbers in words too! We'll be continuing with this next week.
Science – We’ve labels the features of a tree and learnt about what some of the different parts do.
PE – We’ve continued to practise our dance entry for the competition. It’s looking good! Not all children want to enter but the practise has certainly been fun.
Art – The children added more detail to their final art pieces this week and then discussed what they liked about each other’s. They have really enjoyed painting this term. It seems we have a very talented and creative lot!
RE– We’ve been recapping the Nativity story and sequencing the different parts. It’s a shame we won’t get to do a performance this year but Robins are very excited about performing Christmas Robins to you all at Monday drop-off!
Our last weekend. Have a lovely restful one before the holiday!
Mrs Carter and Mrs Murphy
Photos to follow!
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Robins 2020-21
Santa sends a message!
Friday 4th December
This week, we had a very exciting video message from Santa who has been able to access all of our wonderful learning through the Santa cam! He’s asked us to write to him so that will be part of our Literacy next week.
We’ve finished off our December phonics screening practise so you’ll find your child’s result in reading records. The guideline pass mark for this time of year is 19/40. By June when the official test is taken, the past mark is around 32/40.
Congratulations to Carter for being our Star of the Week! Carter is a mature and trustworthy member of our class who has shown kindness and encouragement to others. The effort he’s been putting into his writing has made it dazzle!
This is what we’ve been up to this week:
Literacy – We’ve continued to rehearse the story of The Jolly Christmas Postman, creating actions for some of the words to help us recite each page and noticing the rhyming words. We’ve explored some of the Nursery Rhymes and characters mentioned in it too. I was able to take a large envelope of cards and messages to the hospital for Humpty Dumpty, who managed to fall out of bed and crack open his head again!
Maths – We finished a brief Shape unit but will continue to recap these in our afternoon Maths Meetings. We’ve now moved onto numbers to 20 - writing them in words as well as numerals. This is going to need some practise so is an extra activity for some home learning if you find time.
Science – We’ve looked at the features and structures of trees this week and compared them to the structure of flowers.
PE – We’ve continued to practise our dance entry for the competition. The children are becoming a lot more expressive in their performance.
Topic – We’ve been learning about seasonal weather patterns in Northampton over the 4 seasons and securing our knowledge of the set of months in the seasons.
Art – We’ve produced some artist inspired paintings of the London skyline, highlighting some of its most famous landmarks.
RE – We’ve been appreciating the wonderful world around us and thinking about what we love about Nature. Christians believe that God is the Creator of the world but other people believe it’s been created by Science.
Enjoy a wintery weekend!
Mrs Carter and Mrs Murphy
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Robins 2020-21
Getting in the spirit!
Friday 27th November
We’ve had an Art inspired week this week so the classroom has been really colourful! Plus we’ve started to screen the children’s phonics to see how much progress they’ve made. We’ll share their scores with you next week and the sounds to practise.
Congratulations to Harper for being our Star of the Week! Harper is such a caring friend and continually shows kindness to others. She has worked so hard in both Literacy and Maths and we are so proud of her effort.
This is what we’ve been up to this week:
Literacy – We’ve started The Jolly Christmas Postman and are recapping and learning nursery rhymes and traditional tales alongside our main text. So this week we’ve read Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
Maths – We’ve been working on comparing addition and subtraction statements this week, using the more than, less than and equal to symbols. It has been quite tricky so as we move on to 2D and 3D shapes, we’ll be recapping this regularly at the beginning of lessons.
Science – We labelled a flowering plant this week by studying the structure of an orchid.
P.E – We’ve continued to practise our dance entry for the competition.
Topic – We developed our geographic knowledge of London and learnt about some famous landmarks. We’ve also studied the seas that surround the UK.
Art – We’ve continued to study the Japanese artist Yayioi Kusama and have produced our own representations of her Art work – using oil pastels this week. It’s very colourful!
To show our support for Northampton General Hospital over the Christmas period, the Robins have decorated some baubles that will be used to decorate the wards, as this year they aren’t allowed to put up any trees.
Special Plea
If you have any old Christmas decorations that you can spare, they’d be most welcome to make our classroom extra Christmassy this year.
Enjoy another lovely Autumn weekend.
Mrs Carter and Mrs Murphy
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Robins 2020-21
Anti-bullying Week
Friday 20th November
It’s been a very reflective week. We’ve covered anti-bullying and talked about unkind words and actions, but equally ways in which we can be more thoughtful and let others know that we care. We do see a lot of kindness from our Robins which is always highly celebrated. We decorated a jigsaw piece each to make a class display, representing that we're all special, all different and all a big part of something special.
Congratulations to Daisy for being our Star of the Week! Daisy is kind and caring friend and such a hard worker. Her original ideas and beautiful handwriting make us so excited to read her writing each day. She really challenges herself!
This is what we’ve been up to this week:
Literacy – We’ve continued to write some sentences in the form of letters, relating to our book about Katie Morag. We finished this book today and will be moving onto The Jolly Christmas Postman!
Maths – We’ve continued to work on Subtraction by counting backwards along a number line and by finding the difference.
Science – Mrs Murphy taught the class about evergreen and deciduous trees. The children explored some cuttings from evergreen trees and then walked around the school grounds to recap their knowledge on the different tree names, which are mostly deciduous. Perhaps on your next walk you could discuss these?
PE – We’re entering a regional dance competition this term so we rehearsed a routine set by some pupils at Sponne School. The children loved it!
Topic – We developed our geographic knowledge of England and Northern Ireland this week, learning about the different landscapes and features.
Art – We’re studying the Japanese artist Yayioi Kusama and this week commented on her work and then started our own representations by creating some bright backgrounds to detail next week.
Special Plea
We’re going to read some traditional tales and nursery rhymes next week to launch our Jolly Christmas Postman Literacy topic. If anyone has any lovely copies of these that they wouldn’t mind us borrowing next week, please feel free to bring them in.
Also, if you have any old Christmas decorations that you’d like to get rid of, they’d be very welcome so I can make the classroom extra special this year!
Enjoy a lovely Autumn weekend.
Mrs Carter and Mrs Murphy
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Spellings A2 W3.docx | Download |
Robins 2020-21
Robins remember!
Friday 13th November
We’ve had a cultured week in learning about Remembrance Day and Children in Need. It’s always good to put our lives into perspective and to teach the children about gratitude and compassion.
Congratulations to Lainey for being our Star of the Week! Lainey is just an all-round star who tries her very best every day. We can’t ask for any more!
This is what we’ve been up to this week:
Literacy – We’ve been extending our sentence writing this week by adding some conjunctions: because, and, so and but. We’ve also been practising to re-read our work to check it makes sense. Once we’re confident children can write one or two sentences accurately – we’ll then focus on making them cohesive so they construct narrative.
We read the book The Word Collector by Peter H. Reynolds and created a display of some of our favourite words!
Maths – We’ve been working on Subtraction this week and making sure our sentences start with the whole number. We’ve used our reasoning skills to work out missing numbers in some subtraction sentences by thinking about them as stories.
We’ve used the language First, Then and Now. (First we have, Then this amount was taken away and Now we have…left.)
Science – We explored our school grounds for different types of tree and sketched them this week, collecting leaves from them to present how they are different and to explore how they are changing throughout Autumn.
PE – We took part in some of Jo Wick’s charity 24 hour work out! Exhausting!
Topic – We developed our geographic knowledge of Scotland this week, learning about the islands and landscape. We talked about Edinburgh and how it’s possible to go skiing in Scotland.
Art – We’re studying the artist Queenie McKenzie and this week practised mixing paints and creating a McKenzie style landscape painting by holding a paintbrush correctly with a tripod grip.
Computing – The children love the chance to use the ipads. This week, we practised how to open our saved work and read teacher comments and produced another piece of Art work to save in our class folder.
Oxford Reading Buddy - All the children’s accounts have been updated with their current reading level so there should be lots of great books to choose from.
Next week, is anti-bullying week so we will focus on kindness, our use of words and the definition of bullying.
On Thursday night (19th November) I'll be delivering a short reading presentation over Zoom at 7pm.
Enjoy a lovely weekend,
Mrs Carter and Mrs Murphy
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Spelling List A2 W1.docx | Download |
Robins 2020-21
Explorers and Gardeners!
Friday 6th November
We’ve had a wonderful start to the new term and feel excited about our new topic UK Countries! The children have loved exploring globes and Atlases!
Congratulations to Ivy for being our Star of the Week! Ivy has always tried her best and has really impressed Mrs Sims and Mrs Murphy with her Phonics and Maths progress. She is growing in confidence every day! Ivy is a calm and kind member of our class and always follows our school rules.
This is what we’ve been up to this week:
Literacy – We’re exploring some Katie Morag tales over the next few weeks as they’re set on the Isle of Struay so it links nicely with our topic. We’ve been practising writing sentences as diary entries for Katie’s explorations and labels for lost post!
Maths – We’ve worked on finding missing numbers in addition sentences this week, to strengthen our knowledge of number bonds and to help us to reason.
Science – We’ve explored our school grounds for some common wild plants and learnt how to record them in a tally chart.
PE – We’ve been practising Cross Country and Yoga this week so we can compare the difference in our heart rate.
Topic – We’ve learnt the names of the four countries in the UK and located them on globes and maps and we’ve compared their locations to each other by introducing a compass. We’re learning the directions of North, South, East and West.
Art – We’ll be studying the artist Queenie McKenzie over the next few weeks. This week we practised the skill of drawing outlines of objects and shared our likes and dislikes about the artist’s work.
Computing - This week the children were given logins for Purple Mash - the software we'll be using for Computing. They logged into their accounts with their secret passwords and then created an avatar of themselves. We used a Paint programme to create some work and save it in our areas.
Next week, we’re going to continue writing diary entries and learning more about the country of Scotland in out Topic work. In Maths we’re going to move on to subtraction and we’re going to continue getting tech-savvy in Computing!
I’m planning to do a Reading at Home Zoom presentation in the next few weeks. Please let me know if you have any questions so I can cover these in the session. We’ll talk about the Phonics Screening in June, how we teach phonics in school with Read Write Inc, and how you can help at home and I’ll show you some useful resources.
Spellings below are the ones I gave out on the 18th October to give the children (and you) a break over half term. New ones to follow on Monday.
Many of the children have moved up a reading level this week. Thank you for filling in your children's reading record so we can see what a great job you're doing at home too.
Enjoy a lovely weekend,
Mrs Carter and Mrs Murphy
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Spelling List A1 W7.docx | Download |
Robins 2020-21
An Amazing Half Term
Friday 23rd October
We are so proud of the Robins for all their efforts this half term. We’ve seen fantastic progress in so many areas and it’s so rewarding. We’re ending on a real high!
Congratulations to Archie for being our Star of the Week! Archie applies fantastic focus each day and has transformed his writing! This week, he made his own book about rugby training at home and was so proud to show the class. We love watching him grow in confidence! And we’ve loved the kindness that he has shown towards others.
Congratulations also to Nellie for earning herself an Over And Above award. Nellie has worked so hard to extend her writing and practises at home to read and spell lots of tricky words. She uses incredible vocabulary in her writing. With all the extra practise she does at home independently, we think she has gone over and above to achieve.
This is what we’ve been up to this week:
Literacy – More amazing sentences and Kinetic Letters have appeared this week! We finished our book The Building Boy and then created some salt-dough hedgehogs so we could introduce some instruction writing.
Maths – We’ve continued creating number bonds and recording them systematically for different numbers to 10. We’ve used different resources to consolidate our number bonds and have started to play a game called Number Bond Ping Pong.
Science– We spent our last lesson of the term observing the seasonal changes outside. We discovered the names of our trees in the grounds and then wrote about all the signs of Autumn we spotted, including the colours, shapes and textures of the leaves.
PE – The children practiced some more ball control this week and also had a session with James from Pacesetters on the running track.
DT/PSHE– Following the latest guidelines on Trick or Treating, the children designed and decorated their own pumpkins that can be displayed in your window at home.
When we return after half term, there won’t be a Spellings test as we have an INSET day on Monday 2nd November. The children have worked their socks off and need a good break so the spellings you’ve taken home this week will be tested on Monday 9th November.
I've given some of you a Numicon resource to practise recognising numbers with (subitising). The coloured pieces can also be cut out and used to add 2 amounts.
We hope the children enjoy a wonderful break!
See you on the 3rd!
Mrs Carter and Mrs Murphy
Over and Above!
Friday 16th October
Our Kinetic Letters are going from strength and strength! The children are so proud of the progress they can see in their books.
Congratulations to Jasper for being our Star of the Week! Jasper is really focused in lessons and has built up his stamina over the last few weeks to produce some fantastic work. We’ve noticed him following our school rules and showing kindness to others (our favourite trait!). He’s been using Oxford Reading Buddy at home and it’s really improving his reading confidence.
Congratulations also to Alivia for earning herself an Over And Above award. Alivia is absolutely determined in lessons to write incredible sentences and to show off her Mathematical ability. She knows her writing targets and aims every lesson to tick off as many as possible. She is unstoppable! In her spare time at home, she has been making up green and red word cards, like we use in Phonics lessons and practises reading them with others in school. Not only this, she has highlighted to adults when someone else has shown kindness in class – wanting praise for others. What a lovely friend!
This is what we’ve been up to this week:
Literacy – The children have continued to amaze us with their sentence ideas, using vocabulary from our new book. This really is the first building block to becoming an amazing writer – to be able to draw inspiration from texts. Being able to form letters correctly and confidently is the tool for being able to express their amazing ideas on paper, with automaticity!
Maths – We’ve been busy creating number bonds using Numicon and representing them in part/whole models to consolidate our learning from last week. We’ve also looked at Fact Families which represent all the different ways to write the same addition sentence.
Science – The children now have a good understanding of different materials and their properties so we have been practising how to ask and answer scientific questions.
PE – We’ve practised controlling swings and catches using badminton racquets and scoops this week. We also practised using the hockey sticks to improve our control of a ball on the ground. Because we spent some time on a big playground, the Robins were delighted to be reunited with the climbing wall!
Topic – Our aim this week was to use common words and phrases relating to the passing of time, when talking about certain toys. The children used words like: today, now, modern, oldest, future, present, past, newer, before older…
DT– The children designed a moving picture to represent the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff this week – planning in a feature to make it move. Next week, they’ll create their idea.
Next week, we’re going to practise some extended sentences to finish off the half term. One final push before a well-earned rest. We’ll continue to secure our number bonds too with lots of practical learning.
Helpful Reminders:
As extra practise at home – ask your child to think of a sentence with one of their spellings in. Even if they don’t write it down – it’ll give them the confidence to think of their own sentences.
There is currently a notebook craze sweeping through Robins, much to my delight! However, pencils cases are creating some issues. Please could these be kept at home. I will provide pencils and pens for the children to write with.
I've added some additional resources at the top of the page so you can download and print off to use at home. These link to some of the targets set for your children, which I shall share with you during parents evening.
Here are the sounds your children are learning this year too.
Enjoy a wonderful weekend,
Mrs Carter and Mrs Murphy
Robins 2020-21
Handwriting heroes!
Friday 9th October
This week we’ve been conquering part/whole models and their relationship with addition. We’ve also made a booklet as a class to reinforce our School Rules. We’ve thought of ways that show we’re Ready, Safe and Respectful. It’s attached below so you can read it too.
Congratulations to Foster for being our Star of the Week! Foster is so focused in lessons and has really improved his handwriting in the last few weeks. He’s been working well at home too which is wonderful to hear.
We love reading the comments in the Reading Logs about your children’s reading at home.
This is what we’ve been up to this week:
Literacy – The children have such fantastic ideas for sentence writing but many of us are not including finger spaces and full stops. We’ve been practising holding simple sentence and taking time to improve our Kinetic Letters. Look at the difference below!
Maths – We’ve been practising addition using cubes and counters and counting on from our largest number. Some of the children have been using number lines to do this.
Science – We’ve talked about the compatibility of materials for different objects and why we think they’ve been selected based on their properties.
PE – Personal space and following instructions are things we’re working on at the moment so we’ve practised some yoga – keeping to the same spot and minding others around us. It’s good to have some calmness in our day and we’re helping the children to recognise how good it feels just to stop, enjoy peace and breathe deeply. We also practised stopping a ball with our feet and a hockey stick and then passing gently to a partner.
Topic – This week we’ve focused on important changes in the industry – how toys are mass produced in factories where the workers have to wear safety equipment. Toys are now sold in supermarkets and online – not just in toy shops. We looked at replica toy phones and how they’ve changed over time too.
DT– The children made a wheel mechanism in a picture of Little Red Riding Hood – showing the wolf getting closer to her when the wheel is spun!
PSHE - Then and Now. We've been thinking about how our bodies have changed since we were babies and toddlers and what we can do now that we're more grown up!
Next week, we’re going to continue practising 'holding our sentences' in our heads and mastering our kinetic letters! We’ve started a new book called The Building Boy which is inspiring some really great conversation. Then in Maths, we’ll be exploring Fact Families and recalling our number bonds.
I hope you love the school photos! Please order them online.
Enjoy a restful weekend,
Mrs Carter and Mrs Murphy
Robins 2020-21
Autumn's here!
Friday 2nd October
It’s been a busy week with lots of practical Maths and sentence construction. We’re really focusing on Kinetic Letters at the moment to get them nailed so that we can become confident, automatic writers!
Congratulations to Jaymi for being our Star of the Week! Jaymi always tries her best and likes to challenge herself within lessons, choosing the trickier option to extend her learning.
This is what we’ve been up to this week:
Literacy – We’ve explored changing the characters and the setting of our story to plan the beginning of our own story.
Maths – Ordinal numbers have been recapped and part whole models have been explored (to split a whole number into parts). This helps the children with their number bonds and addition.
Science – We’ve learnt to ask a question using sentence stems (how, what, why etc), ask questions using scientific vocabulary and ask relevant scientific questions.
PE– We’ve been learning to use different equipment to put into our Circuit so this week we practised throwing and leaning into our thrown, balancing, kicking a ball with accuracy and controlling a ball with a hockey stick.
Topic – Victorian toys have been compared to their modern day replicas. We looked for similarities and differences between a Victorian doll and a Barbie doll.
Next week, we’re continuing to explore how sentences are constructed and how they are punctuated. Handwriting will continue to be a focus for the rest of the term. In Maths we’re going to study the addition symbol and addition facts.
How are you getting on with Oxford Reading Buddies? Let me know if you’re unsure about anything. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr9wirOTVIw&safe=true
Helpful Reminders:
Spellings are below.
I’ve attached a Kinetic Letters practice template and some lines for extra practice at home.
Enjoy a restful weekend and look out for Scary Mary tomorrow!
Mrs Carter and Mrs Murphy
Robins 2020-21
Scary Mary and Amazing Maisie!
Friday 25th September
We’ve had a busy week of learning and a creative Friday afternoon making the school entry for the Scarecrow competition. We’ve been able to use our knowledge of different materials and properties to make her. Her name is Scary Mary.
Congratulations to Maisie for being our Star of the Week! Maisie is an incredible role-model who puts a lot of thought into her work and is a really kind friend to others.
This is what we’ve been up to this week:
Literacy – We’ve been practising holding a full sentence and writing it down carefully, remembering all the important features – a capital letter, finger spaces, kinetic letters and punctuation. The children are learning to retell our story from memory brilliantly and have been able to sequence the story accurately on a story mountain.
Maths – Vocabulary has been key again! Greatest and smallest and greater than and less than. We’ve been ordering amounts and numbers and comparing groups.
Science – We’ve been testing materials this week for their properties and recording information in a table. We’ve discovered that some materials have several properties!
Music – We listened to the Fresh Prince Of Bel Air by Will Smith and found the pulse. We talked about the song and compared it to another song from last week. We asked ourselves ‘How are the raps/songs different and how are they similar?’
PE – As part of building our Circuit, we’ve practised shuttle runs and jumping in different ways. We’ve also had a go at dribbling a ball with a hockey stick.
Topic – Ask your child about the invention of the teddy bear!
DT– The children made a lever mechanism by creating a puppet of Jack which can climb up the beanstalk.
Next week, we’re going to explore the number line and move on to Addition and Subtraction. We’re also going to continue practising our sentence structure and using conjunctions: and, but, so and because.
Helpful Reminders:
Spellings are below.
Individual school photos are next Thursday.
Enjoy a restful weekend,
Mrs Carter and Mrs Murphy
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Spelling List A1 W3 21st Sep.docx | Download |
Robins 2020-21
Robins are ready to learn!
Friday 18th September 2020
These Robins just keep on impressing us with how enthused they are to learn. They've got into good routines and they are such a pleasure to teach!
Congratulations to Jack for being our Star of the Week! Jack is a gentleman who is so helpful in class. We wouldn’t be without him!
This is what we’ve been up to this week:
Literacy – We’ve explored language in ‘The Gigantic Turnip’, particularly adjectives! The children are learning to retell the story and to use taught vocabulary in their sentences. We’ve been describing all kinds of different vegetables.
Maths – Vocabulary has been key! One more, one less, equal to, greater than, less than and fewer. Ask the children to give you some statements using these words – we’ve been practicing a lot!
Science – The class explored some new materials and used adjectives to describe them: shiny, dull, hard/soft, rough/smooth and bendy/not bendy. We discussed why these properties are important for the purpose of the object.
Music – We began to recognise the basic style indicators of Hip Hop and enjoyed a little dance!
PE – We’re learning a different exercise to put into a Circuit so this week we practised jumping and recapped changing direction by pivoting.
Topic – It’s been really exciting to explore some old Corgi cars this week and compare toys from the past with similar versions today, like the scooter. We learnt to find similarities and differences.
DT– The children made a slider mechanism by creating a puppet on a lolly stick which could slide along a picture. It gave us the chance to listen to another traditional tale too; The Gingerbread Man.
Next week, we’re going to explore how sentences are constructed and how they are punctuated. In Maths we’re going to continue comparing amounts, ordering numbers and using ordinal numbers: 1st, 2nd 3rd…
You should have login details for Oxford Reading Buddy stapled into the front of your Reading Records. This is a great resource for you to use at home with your own library of books available to you! Watch this short clip to see all that it offers and its benefits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr9wirOTVIw&safe=true
Helpful Reminders:
Spellings are below.
Please remember to bring in Reading Records everyday so we can read with your child and record it for you to see. We will record spelling scores in these on a Monday too.
Enjoy a restful weekend,
Mrs Carter and Mrs Murphy
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Spelling List A1 W2.docx | Download |
Robins 2020-21
Our first week!
Friday 11th September 2020
We’ve had a fantastic first week in Robins! Every child has settled in well and we’ve started the year with a bang!
Congratulations to Molly for being our first Star of the Week by demonstrating all of our school values and showing lots of kindness!
We’ve been really impressed with the whole class for following school rules and getting into good routines.
This is what we’ve been up to:
Literacy – We’ve explored pumpkins and turnips and created some artwork to launch our current book ‘The Gigantic Turnip’. We had a visit from farmer Giles who helped us describe the vegetables and we acted out the story too. We spent time describing the characters and then thought of some good questions we could ask the old man and the old woman from the story.
Maths – We have been practising our counting, forwards and backwards and starting from different points on a number line; we’ve grouped objects to make them easier to count and represented number in different ways – with counters, tallies, numerals and words.
Science – The class explored some raw materials for their textures, weight and opacity. Then they labelled objects around the classroom by creating their own labels.
Music – We listened to some 'pop' to find a beat and then made actions for the song.
PE – Changing directions and playing as a team were our themes this week. Also, listening to instructions!
Topic – The children have been so excited to share their favourite toys and look at toys from the past. Thank you for emailing me and bringing in amazing examples of your own toys – Mrs Murphy and I have loved reminiscing!
DT– Using pop-up and flap books we’ve explored mechanisms in books to make moving pictures. The children will soon design and create their own moving picture.
Next week, we’ll continue with our story and the children will begin to write about it. In Maths we’ll be finding one more and one less than and comparing numbers.
Helpful Reminders:
Spellings will be tested first thing on Monday morning.
Please remember to bring in Reading Records everyday so we can read with your child and record it for you to see.
Enjoy a restful weekend,
Mrs Carter and Mrs Murphy
Robins 2020-21
Welcome to Robins!
Friday 4th September 2020
A very warm welcome to all our lovely Robins and parents.
Mrs Murphy and I have loved these last 2 days getting to know you better. The children have really enjoyed exploring their new space and playing with their friends again. We have shared our feelings and thoughts during Circle Time and have ensured the children that our classroom is a safe place to be – where everyone’s voice will be heard. We’ve discussed what we like about school, what makes a good teacher and what makes a good learner and have recapped our school values: be safe, ready and respectful.
We use a reward chart with individual name cards to celebrate our values being shown alongside marble rewards. I particularly love to reward children for showing kindness to others.
We’ve told the Robins that our topics Toys and Materials will start next week. If any parents have any old toys from their childhood that they wouldn’t mind being shown to the class – please bring them in from Monday. They will only be shown to the children and discussed and will go home the same day.
The children will also share their favourite toy with the class next week so please could they bring in a photo of it by Wednesday 9th or it can be emailed to me at hcarter@greensnorton.org.uk
Helpful Reminders:
Spellings will go home on a Monday (starting from next week) We’re starting with tricky words (words that can’t be sounded out).
Please bring in PE Kit as our first lesson is on Tuesday.
PE days are Tuesday and Thursday.
Reading Books will be changed on Thursday.
Please prepare a healthy snack for your child that it bagged or boxed.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Carter and Mrs Murphy