"Pupils behave well. They play happily together and consider each other’s needs very well.""Parents are right to be pleased with the quality of teaching at the school.""Pupils learn well because the work they do provides good levels of challenge and helps them learn new skills."100% of parents said they would recommend this school to other parents"The curriculum supports pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development effectively.""Pupils get off to a good start in early years."

Other subjects

At Greens Norton CE Primary School we teach the National Curriculum 2014 throughout Key Stage 1 and 2 through subject specific themes and topics. We aim to provide out pupils with 'an introduction to the essential knowledge that they need to be educated citizens, and to the best that has been thought and said, helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.'

Here you can find links to our school curriculum statements for some of the subjects taught written by the relevant subject lead. We are rapidly adding new statements as they are developed and discussed.

 Science statement.pdfDownload
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