"Pupils behave well. They play happily together and consider each other’s needs very well.""Parents are right to be pleased with the quality of teaching at the school.""Pupils learn well because the work they do provides good levels of challenge and helps them learn new skills."100% of parents said they would recommend this school to other parents"The curriculum supports pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development effectively.""Pupils get off to a good start in early years."

Robins - Year 1

Goodbye Robins

Fri 20th July 2018

Robins have been enjoying spending quality time together this week. For two days we have been learning all about India and have produced some fantastic pieces of artwork from a mosaic of the Taj Mahal to decorating elephants.

I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching Robins class this year and as they are my first ever class they will always be extra special to me. Thank you so much for all your support throughout the year and for the lovely gifts.

Fundraiser and Jubilee Gardens!

Very hot busy week!

Amazing week with a fantastic trip!

We had the most fantastic time on the trip. We started the day off with a fantastic bus safari around the park seeing lots of animals such as rhinos, lions and giraffes. We then had our sandwiches and headed off into smaller groups to walk around and explore the smaller enclosures seeing penguins and lemurs. After that we had a quick play in the huge inside soft play and then went for our sensing and moving session from the staff at Woburn which was fantastic. All Robins had a lovely time and were fantastic at representing Greens Norton well.

In literacy we have started our new story map all about the story ‘Pumpkin Soup’. We have been writing lots of sentences about animals using adjectives and similes. In maths Robins have been learning all about how to tell the time. We have been looking at o’clock and half past and significant times of the year and within our school day.

Star of the week is William! This is for his fantastic writing in literacy and his consistent positive attitude towards learning.

I hope to see lots of you tomorrow at the fete!

Fantastic week with a sporting finish!

Straight Back into hard work!

Robins have started the new term with a bang! Straight into a new story map all about Giraffes and I have been amazed by their knowledge of lots of wild animals. We are all very excited to see giraffes on our class trip!

In maths this week we have been looking at numbers between 50 and 100, lots of counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and recapping tens and ones.

In topic Robins learnt all about Tim Berners-Lee and used computers to find facts about him.

Today in art with Magpies we used charcoal to sketch Samuel Morse and started to learn our sign language song.

Our star of the week is Owen this is for his continuous effort and positive attitude towards learning, especially his attitude to always taking on a challenge in his learning, well done Owen!

Enjoying the sunshine!

In literacy we have finished our endings for Jack and the Beanstalk. In maths we have been learning about finding quarters and halves of shapes and numbers.
In topic we have learnt all about Morse code and have been cracking words and writing our names in Morse code.

On Thursday we had a very busy afternoon practicing for our lapathon and then playing football rounder’s with Kestrels and Magpies which was great fun. Then Robins read with Herons in their shared reading pairs.

This afternoon in art with Magpies we used watercolours to paint a picture of a plant.

Our star of week is Sebbie. This is for his consistent effort and progress in his learning especially in his literacy writing fantastic pieces of work using his great imagination.
Don’t forget to ask family and friends for sponsorship for next week’s lapathon!

Activities Galore!

Fri 4th May 2018

We have had such a busy week full of a variety of learning activities.

In literacy we have started our new story map all about Jack and the Beanstalk and have written our beginnings for the stories. In maths we have continued with arrays and multiplication and have also been busy sharing, using cubes and counters.

On Tuesday afternoon we enjoyed the sunshine alongside Magpies comparing deciduous and evergreen leaves from our playground.

On Wednesday morning Robins were treated to a fantastic brass recital. The whole class were mesmerised by four different brass instruments. We learnt about the instruments, how to play them and we sang a lovely song about them. A definite highlight was when they played a Frozen song!

On Thursday Robins and Magpies had a very exciting coach ride to Sponne for the KS1 sports festival. Both Magpies and Robins thoroughly enjoyed a fantastic day in the sunshine completing many sporting actives.

This afternoon Robins and Magpies enjoyed an afternoon outside completing two art activities. The first was leaf rubbing and the second was a sketching of a tree.

Our star of the week this week is Lilly! This is for her fantastic maths this week with division and multiplication.

Stunning sunny start to the Summer Term!

Fri 20th April 2018

Robins have well and truly enjoyed the sunshine this week. Excitingly we have re-opened our Robins garden and have spent some time in there today. I hope the weather continues!

On Tuesday Robins and Magpies enjoyed our stunning start to the term! This entailed twelve challenges completed in groups of three all to do with communicating as a team. This week in science we have been learning all about plants; how to plant them and what they need to grow. Each Robin has planted two bean seeds in a glass jar so that we can see the growing process.

In literacy we wrote instructions about planting beans using time connectives and have started our next story map all about George’s Marvellous Medicine. In maths we have been working hard at using our 2s, 5s and 10s knowledge to understand groups of, leading towards multiplication.

Our star of the week is Tyler! This is for his effort and progress in counting in 2s and his fantastic instructions about planting a seed using time connectives.

I hope all the Robins have a wonderful weekend enjoying the sunshine. Please make sure Robins bring a hat to school and/or have sun cream.

Robins busy busy week!

Fri 9th March 2018

In maths we have been continuing with weight and have started capacity. Robins really enjoyed a maths lesson with lots and lots of water!

In literacy we have introduced suffixes; ed,er,est. We have been talking through past and present tense and adding the suffixes to create new words. We have also started a new story map with the lovely book ‘The Way Back Home’.

On Wednesday afternoon Robins and Magpies thoroughly enjoyed an investigation in the hall about what sized balloon travels the furthest.

Star of the week is Sebbie. This is for his consistent perseverance with his handwriting and his effort in his learning.

I look forward to lots of you on Sunday for the Mother's Day church service.

Fantastic week back from half term!

Fri 23rd February 2018

In literacy we have been learning all about Tim Peake and Neil Armstrong. We have been writing about both astronauts using titles and sub-titles.
In maths we have started measurement, which has been very exciting finding out the length of the classroom, hall and numerous other objects. We have also found out who is the tallest and smallest in Robins.

In topic this week Robins were very lucky to have two art activities on Monday afternoon. Robins created yarn wrapped stars and constellations using black paper, white chalk and gold stars.
Star of the week is Charlotte. This is for consistent effort and progress in all her learning especially this week in literacy. Charlotte did really well sorting past and present verbs, well done Charlotte!

Next Thursday is World Book Day so I hope you have a fun weekend planning outfits!

Cosmic Counting

Fri 2nd February 2018

In literacy this week we have been editing and improving our story map and writing a character description of an astronaut.

In maths we have been focusing on counting from 0-50 starting from any given number.
In art we have drawn with chalk the sun, moon and earth and used books from the library to write interesting facts about them. In science today with Magpies we predicted and then investigated the best material to create an aeroplane.

Our start of the week is Harriet! This is for her effort and progress in maths and reading, well done Harriet keep it up.

Next week Robins are making 3D junk model rockets. Any donations of cardboard would be much appreciated.

Fantastic week of learning!

Fri 19th January 2018

Another extremely busy week from Robins. In literacy we have started our story map about Xeep the alien. We have been revisiting capital letters, full stops and checking that our sentences make sense.

In maths Robins have been doing really well with addition up to 20 and learning all about numbers bonds.

In PE we have been learning about dynamic balances and working together in pairs.

In science this week with have continued our learning about Neil Armstrong and with Magpies we have been learning about man-made and natural materials and sorting them into hoops. We have also made posters about everyday uses of materials.

Our start of the week is Sephie. This is her for her consistent hard work across all her learning but especially this week in her maths using partitioning for addition. Well done Sephie!

Stunning Start to Spring Term

Fri 5th January 2018

On Thursday morning Robins were treated to a stunning start to the term from Atomic Science in assembly.

Robins then got into full swing of the term by producing some fantastic multi-coloured rockets for their topic books. After break atomic Tom came into Robins with Year 2 and played some games outside about solids, liquids and gases. Most importantly Robins got to make slime!

Today Robins have drawn many planets of all shapes and sizes using pastels and chalk on black paper. This afternoon Magpies joined Robins to work in pairs to create a mind map of all the aspects of 'Out of This World' that the class already knew about. Both year groups worked really well together producing some great mind maps.

I was so pleased to hear so many of Robins completed the Christmas homework tasks and it was lovely to hear about everyone’s Christmas holidays. I have been so impressed with Robins start to the term. The children have come back refreshed and ready to learn.

Robins are working hard again!

Fri 1st December 2017

Robins have been doing some really hard work this week in boths maths and literacy. In maths we have been focusing on introducing ones and tens and practising our counting skills. In literacy we have been learning all about conjunctions. Today Robins wrote some fantastic letters to Father Christmas all about what they would like from him using conjunctions.

Robins have been doing fantastically well with Christmas play rehearsals and with the stage going up next week we will be busy perfecting Prickly Hay!

Our star of the week is Charlotte! This is for her effort and enthusiasm throughout all her learning. Charlotte is always ready to learn and involves herself in group discussions and class learning. Well done Charlotte!

Our Week in Robins

Fri 24th November 2017

This week in literacy the Robins have continued with the 'Snail and the Whale' focusing on adjectives and describing many pages. Today we had a big write about the Snail and the Whale.
In maths Robins have focused on subtraction and have been using the part whole model to explain their number sentences. Robins are flying through Kinetic Letters and have now completed the fisher family which has gone home as homework to practise. Next week we will be starting the slider family.

Robins have been been very busy practising the Christmas play in the hall. The class now know what they are going to be and the stage is going up next week!

Our star of the week is Hariett! This is for her hard work and progress in phase 5 phonics and subtraction using the part whole model. Well done Harriet!

Learning this week in Robins!

Fri 10th November 2017

In literacy the class have been continuing with nouns using our class song. Robins have also been focusing on ordering a list of instructions using numbers and identifying aspects of a recipe.

In maths the class have been continuing to count forwards and backwards using songs, games and the 100 square. Robins have also been counting in 2s and have been using the greater than and less than symbol.

In topic this week the Robins have been thoroughly enjoying learning about the five oceans of the world using globes, maps and our class song.

Our star of the week is Dylan! This is for his effort and progress in his handwriting. Dylan is doing really well with the kinetic letters scheme which is showing in his literacy and number formation. Well done Dylan, keep it up!

Another fantastic week of hard work from the Robins!

Fantastic finish to the half term!

Fri 20th October 2017

Robins have been very busy and have now learnt the whole of the ‘jumper family’ in kinetic letters which includes: h,n,m,r,b,p. Please do keep practising the letters at home using the formation worksheet in the homework books.

In maths the Robins have been very bust learning about 3D shapes and their features. I look forward to reading the different 3D shapes the children find in and around their homes over half term.

We have also had our first lesson at using the laptops in class which was very exciting and the class did extremely well. In literacy we have been focusing on question marks. The class have worked hard at practising their question mark formation and when to use a question mark. Today we finished off the half term with a fantastic Big Write describing a character. The whole class did really well using a range of adjectives.

Our star of the week is Lilly-May! This is for her effort throughout her learning but especially in her reading. Lilly-May has gone up a reading level this week and has been doing really well with her tricky words in phonics. She is also always keen to read in and out of school, well done Lilly-May!

I hope you all have a lovely half term break!

Amazing week from the Robins class!

Fri 6th October 2017

This week in literacy we have been engrossed in describing different types of animals and their habitats. Today we had our first Big Write of the year which went extremely well. In maths this week we have started subtraction which the whole class has done fantastically well with.

In PE the class have been working together to build up strength and use their core. The class did really well with the balancing positions.

Our star of the week was Hannah! This is because of the amazing progress that she has made since the beginning of term across all her learning. Hannah is also always ready to learn and help anyone in the class. Well done Hannah!

The following children have recieved their silver award for counting in 10s: Mia, Owen, Annabelle, Sophie, Isabella, Lilly, Charlotte and William.

Another fantastic week as Robins!

Fri 22nd September 2017

Thank you to all the parents who came to the church service this morning; it was lovely to see so many of you. The Robins performed a fantastic harvest acrostic poem alongside the Magpies.

Thank you also for the great homework I have received from last week’s literacy and the first spelling test went extremely well.

In topic this week the Robins undertook an investigation about washing our hands. The robins made their first predictions and then undertook the investigation. This week in literacy the Robins have been introduced to adjectives and have written some fantastic descriptions of Mr Gumpy. In Maths this week we have been working on counting in twos and the following children have been awarded their bronze certificate in maths for knowing their two time’s table:
Lilly-May, Lily, Charlotte, Sophie, Isabella, Annabelle, William, Owen, Mia.

Our star of the week today was Owen! This was for his consistently great presentation in his books and his fantastic attitude towards learning right from the beginning of term, well done Owen!

Robins this week

Fri 8th September 2017

This week the Robins made a positive start to the new academic year in Year 1, familiarising themselves with the new classroom and routines.
We enjoyed a morning of artwork, producing lovely pictures of waves with white horses to go with our topic, ‘go with the flow’. We thoroughly enjoyed the water activities set up in the playground alongside the rest of the school. In literacy we enjoyed the traditional tale of Jack and the Beanstalk.

We look forward to our first full week as Robins.

Saints at School!

Happy Half Term!

Fri 25th May 2018

In literacy this week we have been focusing on poems all about different animals. We have been using lots of adjectives, adverbs and similes. In maths we have been revisiting multiplication and using lots of arrays. We have also had some great lessons about position and direction playing lots of simon says games about turning.
In topic we have been learning about Alexander Graham Bell and made our own telephones!

This week we have enjoyed active schools week which has been fantastic. All the Robins did fantastically well at the lapathon on Wednesday completing 253 laps as a class! On Thursday afternoon we enjoyed a taster session from the All Stars cricket club. Today we enjoyed the beat the teacher challenge of the plank! This afternoon we had a game of football rounders with Magpies.

Our star of the week is Ben! This was for his fantastic effort in the lapathon, completing the most laps in the class!

Please continue to read lots at home and use the sounds in the reading record to practise.
I hope you all have a lovely half term break.

Busy 4 day week!

Fri 11th May 2018

In literacy we have continued with Jack and the Beanstalk and have written the middle of the story. We have also been focusing on suffixes, er,est and ed. In maths we have been finding halves of shapes and numbers.

In topic this week we have been learning all about William Caxton and the printing press. This afternoon with Magpies we planted cress seeds for our Robins cress heads which I hope in a few weeks will look fantastic!

Our star of the week is Mia. This is for her progress and effort in her sentence writing. Mia has tried really hard with her handwriting and using adjectives, conjunctions and now adverbs, well done Mia!

Thank you to all the Robins for bringing in photographs of the people and things that are special to them. As you can see, we really enjoyed sharing these with each other in our RE lesson and showed super speaking and listening skills!

Robins Marvelous Learning!

Fri 27th April 2018

On Monday we got the laptops out again and started to learn how to inset a picture. This week in topic we have been learning about hieroglyphics and today Robins and Magpies painted their name in hieroglyphics. In PE, due to the rain, we had our very first go at bench ball which was very exciting and the Robins took to the game immediately!

In maths we have been non-stop counting in 2s,5s and 10s! We have started multiplication using arrays to help us. Robins have done so well with this and we will continue with this next week. In literacy we have been learning our story map about ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ and the Robins then wrote some fantastic character descriptions about Grandma from the story using lots of different and powerful adjectives.

Our star of the week is Lilly-May! This is for her continuing effort and positive attitude towards learning. Lilly-May is a great role model in Robins; well done Lilly-May.

From snow to sun!

Fri 23rd March 2018

In literacy we have been writing our endings. We have revisited making words plural by adding ‘s’ and ‘es’ and continued to practise our handwriting.
In maths we have been going over counting in 2s,5s and 10s and have talked through the months of the year as well as the days of the week.

The homework exhibition after school today looked fantastic and it was great to celebrate the children’s efforts. Please do come along before school on Monday to have a look.

Next week Robins are performing a song in the church Easter service on Tuesday at 9.20. Star of the week is Hannah. This is for her perseverance and progress in her counting skills especially with her 2s. Well done Hannah keep up the hard work!

Such a busy week!

Fri 16th March 2018

This afternoon we spent some time in Herons doing paired reading. Robins thoroughly enjoyed it and Miss Snook and I hope to do this more often. Today we also spent some time on the laptops which was really good fun. Robins worked together in pairs; it was really nice to watch children help each other type sentences out.

This week in maths we have started doubling and halving.Lots more of Robins have been gaining their maths counting certficates which is exciting.

In literacy we have continued with the story ‘The Way Back Home’ and have been writing the middle of the story. We have also been focusing on the prefix ‘un’ and suffix ‘ing’.

Our star of the week is Annabelle. This is for her ever ending effort and enthusiasm in her learning and a valued member of Robins class.

World Book Day

Thu 8th March 2018

World book day was fantastic! Robins and Magpies spent the morning completing four tasks.

  • Making a mask.
  • Writing a riddle.
  • Book review.

Designing a front cover of their book.Edgar was our Robins class best dressed. Seth won the best picture of reading in an unusual place. He read Gangster Granny up a tree! Lilly-May was our champion of the day writing a lovely riddle all about Little Red Riding Hood.

Edgar is our star of the week. This is for is amazing progress and continuous effort in phonics, well done Edgar!

Another week full of learning!

Fri 9th February 2018

In maths we have been extremely busy counting in 2s,5s and 10s. We have also continued to use inequality signs to recognise greater and less than numbers.

In literacy we have started our next story map all about Tim Peake. We have also been looking at identifying verbs and nouns within sentences.

On Tuesday afternoon Robins and Magpies designed and created some fantastic rockets using many different materials. This afternoon with Magpies we attempted the baking soda rocket with a water bottle. Unfortunately it did not work as well as we had hoped but we did learn lots from it!

Star of the week is Isabella! This is her continuing her effort in all her learning especially this week in maths with her counting in 5s. Well done Isabella, keep up the good work!

Wishing all the Robins a happy half term break. 

Easter Gardens

As part of our RE lessons, and for our Easter celebration, Year 1 will be making Easter gardens in groups of 3/4. We are planting bulbs in preparation and have our large trays ready, but would be very grateful for any donations of the following to help us make our gardens extra special:

  • Large and small pebbles
  • Compost
  • Grass seed
  • Small flower pots (6) Many thanks,

Miss Manners & Mrs Elliott

Another Great Week of Learning from Robins

Fri 26th January 2018


In literacy we have been continuing with the description of Xeep the alien and learning the aspects of a sentence. We have been making sentences longer and more exciting.
In maths Robins have been working hard with subtraction, using the bar model and part part whole model with lots of different resources to help them.

In PE we used the mats to create harder and longer dynamic balances.

This week in science Robins have been continuing with materials and have been learning about their properties. Today with Magpies we investgated the aspects of materials such as smooth, rough and soft.

Star of the week is Seth. This is for all his hard work across all his learning especially in his reading, well done Seth!


Easter Gardens

As part of our RE lessons, and for our Easter celebration, Year 1 will be making Easter gardens in groups of 3/4. We are planting bulbs in preparation and have our large trays ready, but would be very grateful for any donations of the following to help us make our gardens extra special:
Large and small pebbles
Grass seed
Small flower pots (6)
Many thanks,
Miss Manners & Mrs Elliott

Very Impressive Robins!

Fri 12th January 2018

I have been so impressed with all the Robins this week. We have got stuck straight into tricky things to learn in both maths and literacy and all the Robins have tried their hardest all week.

In literacy Robins have been reading the book ‘Whatever Next’ about a Baby Bear who goes to the moon. Robins have really enjoyed this book and have acted the story out in groups as well as writing a letter from Baby Bear to the Owl about the trip to the moon.

In maths we have been continuing to practise our counting and recognising numbers as well as using tens and ones with slightly bigger numbers. We have also continued with addition and have been using cubes to help us.

This afternoon with Magpies, Robins thoroughly enjoyed going on a materials hunt around the school.

Our star of the week is Ben! This is for his fantastic attitude towards learning and his effort in phonics, well done Ben!

Fantastic Prickly Hay!

Fri 15th December 2017

Nativity, nativity NATIVTY! Robins did four fantastic performances of Pricky Hay. The whole class looked amazing and sung their hearts out in every performance. For my first class nativity performance I could not have been more proud.

In literacy Robins have been learning something new. Robins have been learning how to make words plural using 's' or 'es'. In maths this week we have been doing lots of counting practice and identifying greater, smaller and the same numbers.

Today Robins thoroughly enjoyed their Christmas lunch where we all sat down together wearing our homeade hats and enjoyed a delcious roast turkey.

Our star of the week is Tyler! This was for his fabulous performance in Pricky Hay as the leading donkey.

I hope you all enjoy completing the Christmas homework tasks!

Hard working Robins!

Fri 17th November 2017

Robins today looked fantastic in their spots and stripes! This afternoon Robins and Wrens created a flower overflowing with coins donated for Children in Need.

In literacy we have been reading 'The Snail and the Whale' and focusing on different aspects of locations, characters and how we can change the adjectives to our own.

In maths we have come back to addition and have been working on using lots of different resources to find the answer as well as showing the answer in many ways.

Robins have been singing everyday practising the Christmas play songs, which are coming along very well.

Our star of the week is Annabelle! This is for consistent effort and hard work in her learning and always being ready to listen and learn. Well done Annabelle!

Great start to the half term!

Fri 3rd November 2017

What a fantastic start to the half term! The whole class has worked extremely hard this week and have come back refreshed and ready to learn.
This week the Robins have been reading ‘Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain’ in literacy. The class have been learning about nouns and have been using some fantastic adjectives to describe the nouns in the story. We have also learnt a short song to help us remember nouns.

In maths we have focused on confident counting, number recognition and ordering numbers.
The Robins are now learning the abracadabra family in kinetic letters and so far have learnt c, a and o.
Our star of the week was Holly! This was for hard work across all her learning but in particular in her phonics. Well done Holly!

Another busy busy week!

Fri 13th October 2017

Robins this week have been very very busy!

The class has done extremely well with the new kinetic letters handwriting scheme and we are working through the jumper family.
In literacy the class have been working on time connectives and writing instructions of how to build a boat, which the class then built using paper on Friday afternoon producing 3D masterpieces of waves and a boat. Also in literacy the class have been learning about the word because, what it means and how to use it in a sentence.

In maths the class have been continuing with subtraction and have been moving on to working with word problems.
Robins enjoyed another lesson of PE about developing their core and did really well with some new positions.

Our star of the week is Edgar! This is because Edgar has been trying very hard throughout all his learning and especially in literacy where he produced a fantastic piece of writing using time connectives. Well done Edgar!

What a fantastic week!

Wonderful week as Robins!

Fri 29th September 2017

This week in Robins we had our fantastic KS1 trip to Barnwell Country Park. The Robins and the Magpies spent the day pond dipping and bug hunting. We all had a great day out and a very exciting trip on the bus as well as a picnic lunch in the park.

In maths this week the Robins have done extremely well in addition. The class have used cubes, dominoes and numicon to help them with their number sentences. This week in literacy the class have been working on question marks and full stops. Today the class spent some time in the school library and excitingly have all chosen a book to read at home.

Robins star of the week this week is Lilly! This is for her fantastic piece of literacy work all about our school trip. Lilly wrote a full page using capital letters, full stops, fingers spaces and some lovely adjectives. Well done Lilly!

Robins busy week

Fri 15th September 2017

This week Robins have been reading ‘Mr Gumpy’s Outing’ in Literacy. The class have been focusing on capital letters and full stops. Robins have also drawn some fantastic pictures of Mr Gumpy and some of his animals after writing some great sentences.
In maths the Robins have been practising their counting focusing on one more and one less. On Monday the class got stuck into the topic of ‘go with the flow’ creating some lovely pictures in their topic book of how we use water everyday to keep ourselves clean.

This week our star of the week is Isabella. This is because Isabella always has a fantastic attitude and behavior towards learning. She is always ready and willing to help others when she can.