Magpies 2020-21
Friday 16th July
Nearing the end!
Magpies class have had a super week once again! In Science we have enjoyed observing to see if any minibeasts have used our micro-habitats. The children were excited to create their tally charts and present their data. We also enjoyed learning all about food chains and making these out of paper chains.
In Numeracy the children have continued to learn how to read the time. We have been solving reasoning problems and learning to read the time to the nearest five minutes! We used our fractions to help us!
In DT we enjoyed putting all of our recent learning to the test when we created our final product. We made bridges to support the weight of an African animal! The children thought carefully about using buttresses, a wide base and a careful selection of materials! We enjoyed testing them over the water!
In Literacy we have finished writing our animals poems. The children practised their Kinetic Letters and presented these beautifully!
We also had our final tennis session with Beth. The children have been brilliant at practising their control with the ball and passing the ball with a partner. Thank you Beth for such great sessions!
Our Star of the Week goes to Gabriel. Gabriel has shown kindness in our class this week and he has had a brilliant year of learning in Magpies! Well done Gabriel!
Finally, a huge thank you to all of the parents who brought the children's painted mugs this week! The children have raised enough money to buy a set of books and clean water for a family through the World Vision charity. Well done Magpies class!
Friday 9th July
Micro-habitats, Purple Mash and so much more!
It has been another fantastic week in Magpies! This week we have enjoyed a week of computing! The children have learnt about different artists and enjoyed using paint2 to help them create their own work in the style of these artists. We had some super artwork in the style of William Morris and of Picasso!
We have also enjoyed learning how to tell the time in Maths. The children are able to read the time to the hour and answer some challenging reasoning problems. Keep practising reading the time at home!
In Geography we have painted mugs to sell as part of our fundraiser. The children are raising money to donate to World Vision to help buy some books for the children in Africa. The children have designed their mugs brilliantly!
In Science, we have been learning all about mirco-habitats. We enjoyed designing our own habitat and building them in the school woods. We are going to look next week to see if any mini-beasts have settled there! Take a look at our pictures below!
A huge well done to Sam! Sam has only joined our class this week but he has settled in so quickly and he is already showing a fantastic attitude to learning!
Friday 2nd July
Sports Galore!
This week Magpies class thoroughly enjoyed a trip to Sponne School to enjoy the KS1 Sports festival. The children were fantastic at joining in the events and they all represented Greens Norton School so well! We enjoyed jumping in the ladders, balancing beanbags, shooting the football in the net, obstacle courses, sprints and so much more! All of Magpies gave their very best and showed brilliant sportsmanship! We even came second overall! Well done Magpies class!
This morning we also enjoyed a trip to Greens Norton church. The Magpies class used all their knowledge from our learning about special places this term and helped to teach some of the Wren’s class the special features of a church. Thank you to Rev Lulu for helping us to learn why the church is so important to Christians.
Our Star of the Week this week goes to Sofia! Sofia has worked incredibly hard in her Maths learning this term and she has been a fantastic model of how hard work and practise lead to success!
Friday 28th June
A great success at Sports day!
To finish our week off we enjoyed our sports day together! The children were brilliant! Every member of Magpies tried their absolute best and showed a great team spirit! Being the older children this year, Magpies class were seen helping the other children and encouraging their team!
First we enjoyed different team challenges! The children showed accuracy when throwing the ball, perseverance when playing tri-golf and incredibly energy when jumping!
After, the children enjoyed cheering one another on in our class races! The children ran as fast as they could with the Wrens and Robins cheering them on! A huge well done to all of the children for taking part! We will await the winning team on Monday...
We have also had a busy week in class. In Geography we enjoyed making our own traditional Kenyan huts, we worked as a team in Design and Technology to build the most stable tower and in Literacy the children were so focused when writing their own story! This week, the Magpies class have been busy completing all of their assessments. All of the children should be incredibly proud of their learning this year!
Don't forget Magpies, bring your stories in for our writing competition by next Friday! Have a restful weekend!
Friday 18th June
Another fantastic week in Magpies class! In our Geography lesson this week we enjoyed learning more about the country of Kenya. We learnt about the physical and human features of the country and enjoyed looking at some pictures of the Great Rift Valley and Lake Victoria!
This week we have enjoyed learning how to measure different objects in Maths. The children have used both standard and non-standard units to measure different classroom objects. They have been using mathematical vocabulary to help them answer some reasoning problems linked to their measuring.
In Literacy the children have enjoyed planning their own story using Mama Panya's pancakes to help them. We are looking forward to writing our stories next week.
We also enjoyed learning how to play tennis with Beth. The children showed great control with their tennis racquets and some great team work in the session!
Our Star of the Week is Arthur. Arthur has been a brilliant role model in our Magpies class this year. He always works hard and tries his best at his learning!
In assembly today we had some unusually large objects! A huge pair of shoes, a massive pencil and a giant calculator! Mrs Marsh introduced our writing competition all about giants! The children are all thoroughly excited and we cannot wait to read any of the stories that are entered!
Friday 10th June
Sunshine, Tennis and lots more!
Magpies have had a super week back after the half term break! On Monday we dived into our new Geography topic, Kenya! The children enjoyed using maps, atlases and globes to locate Kenya. They were even able to find some of the bordering countries and name the capital city!
In Literacy, we have started reading Mama Panya’s Pancakes! The children have been practicing their grammar skills by using a variety of punctuation and using adverbs to add more detail to their sentences. We are looking forward to planning our own stories next week!
In Maths, some children have been building up their understanding of number whilst other children have been busy practicing how to answer two-step challenges! We used RUSC to help us!
On Tuesday, we enjoyed finding space in our day to reflect and pray if we wanted. We went to the library to spend some time in our prayer space. The children were incredibly respectful and enjoyed taking part in the session with Claire.
We enjoyed our PE lessons this week where we developed our skills in tennis and multi-skills. The lovely sunny weather made it even more enjoyable!
A highlight has to be enjoying playing with Reception and Year 1 at lunch and break times! We have also enjoyed starting Reading Buddies again, where we enjoyed sharing books with our friends in different year groups!
Our Star of the week this week is Amelia! Amelia has been working incredibly hard in our lessons and developing her independent skills!
Friday 28th May
What a fantastic term in Magpies!
We have had a super term in Magpies class. We have learnt so much more information and developed our skills across the curriculum. From visiting the flower farm, learning how to write a letter to creating our own stunning pieces of artwork. Magpies class sure have been busy!
This week in Literacy, we finished writing our letters to Mrs Davidson to thank her for letting us visit. The children have really thought carefully about their word choice and even included conjunctions and adverbs. I am sure Mrs Davidson will be so excited to read your letters Magpies!
In Maths, we have been using RUSC to help us answer some tricky word problems. We have been thinking about how Maths questions can be shown in different ways and how we can choose the best method to help us answer them. The children have learnt how to check their answers carefully!
This week we have enjoyed our computing unit. The children have been learning how to use the iPad to present their ideas. The children enjoyed creating their own quiz and their own fact file on the I-pads. I was really pleased with how the children helped one another when they were finding it tricky!
Our Star of the Week goes to Eliza! Eliza has been making a real effort to get all of her fantastic ideas in Literacy down on the paper. Keep it up, Eliza!
Thank you for working incredibly hard once again Magpies! Have a wonderful, restful half term break!
Friday 21st May
Off on a very exciting trip to the flower farm!
This week Magpies class thoroughly enjoyed their trip to Little worth Flower Farm. The children were able to practise their map reading skills to help them find their way to the flower farm. The children were able to turn the map in the direction of travel and look for symbols on the map. When we were at the flower farm Mrs Davidson kindly showed us around. The children then enjoyed creating landscape paintings in the style of John Constable and they were fantastic at mapping the flower farm. They even remembered to draw a key to show the symbols that they used. We were so proud of the Magpies class for how respectful they were and how well they followed adult instructions!
Our Star of the Week this week goes to Betty. Betty is consistently working hard, being a fantastic role model and showing a superb attitude to her learning. We are thankful that you are in Magpies class, Betty!
Friday 14th May
We can't wait till Friday afternoons for Library time!
We are all very excited in Magpies because each week we get to visit our library again! The children were full of excitement for our library visits on a Friday afternoon and they are all enjoying choosing books to read. Take a look at some of our pictures below!
In Literacy this week we have been building our skills when letter writing. We have learnt about cohesion, adverbs and even started to think about conjunctions. The children did some brilliant writing this week and they are really enjoying our story 'Gorilla' by Antony Browne.
In Science we enjoyed getting outside to explore the different stems of a plant. We are still waiting for our bean plants to grow so we are hopeful for next week! The children enjoyed acting out the lifecycle of a plant! There was certainly some very dramatic acting!
In RE we enjoyed our visit from Claire. The children were incredibly respectful and asked some fantastic questions all about the church building and the Christian faith.
Our Star of the Week goes to Harrison. Harrison has been working incredibly hard on his speech and he has proudly blended the ll sound. Hard work and practice really do lead to success!
We are looking forward to our trip to the flower farm next week. Don't forget to wear sensible trousers, shoes and a coat on Wednesday!
Friday 7th May
The fifth golden ticket has been found!
Another great week in Magpies class this week. The children have been enjoying their learning at school! This week we have been using magnifying glasses to watch our bean seeds germinate, practising our cricket skills, sharing new books together and creating art in the style of John Constable! What a busy week!
In Literacy we have enjoyed starting our new book “Gorilla” by Anthony Browne. We looked closely at the pictures and thought of some ‘I wonder’ questions to ask. We found another book by Anthony Browne in our book corner to share!
In Maths we have continued to learn about fractions. The children are continuing to work hard to practise the key vocabulary (half, quarter and third). They enjoyed helping the zookeeper to find different ways of putting up tiles at the zoo in thirds!
Finally our bean seeds have started to germinate! The children have learnt all about germination and what happens to a bean seed as it begins to grow. We made some careful observations this afternoon.
We have even found plenty of time to enjoy our class story 'Charlie and the Chocolate factory!'
Our Star of the Week goes to Arthur. Arthur has been busy helping other children this week and spreading a lot of kindness around our class! Thank you Arthur!
Friday 30th April
Mapping out!
We have had another super week in Magpies!
In our Literacy, we have enjoyed writing all about our imaginative villages! The children have written some non-fiction reports based around their ideal village. They have remembered to use cohesion, commas in a list and even a range of conjunctions! We are looking forward to new book next Tuesday!
In Maths, the children have continued to learn about fractions. There has been lots of new vocabulary this week for the children to understand. They are becoming confident when explaining half and quarter to their talk partner!
We have also enjoyed a range of other subjects! In Geography, we learnt how to use a key to help us read a map. In Science, we asked lots of scientific questions all about the roots of a plant. The children were amazed when we dug up some plants to look at the roots! In PE we have enjoyed practicing our golf skills and continuing to develop our skills in cricket!
Our highlight has to be visiting our Library again at school! The children were all very excited to choose a new book to take home. We even enjoyed reading and sharing some of our favourite books there!
Our Star of the Week this week is Eli! Eli consistently works incredibly hard at his learning and he has been a kind and caring friend this week!
Have a lovely extra-long weekend Magpies!
Marvellous Magpies!
Friday 22nd April
We have had a brilliant week this week in Magpies! From learning how to play cricket, learning how to keep ourselves safe to learning all about fractions! The children have been working incredibly hard!
In Literacy and our Reading lessons this week we have been finding out all about non-fiction books. We spent a lot of time learning the different features of a non-fiction book and why these are important to the reader. We enjoyed planning our own imaginative villages to write about next week!
In Maths we have started learning all about fractions. We used the Cuisenaire rods to help us practice using some key vocabulary like ‘half’, ‘whole’ and ‘part’. We enjoyed spotting the odd one out when we looked at some pictures of fractions.
In Geography the children have continued to learn about the human and physical features. The children enjoyed using the I-pads to create their own leaflet to tell others about Greens Norton!
In PE this week the children have developed their skills in tri-golf and cricket. They worked well in their teams to practise their bowling skills.
Our Star this week goes to Noah. Noah has only just joined our class but he is already working incredibly hard and showing us what a fantastic role model he is!
A super week, well done Magpies!
Friday 16th April
There's no place like home!
Once again, the Magpies class have been working their socks off! We have had a brilliant, busy week back! We started with our Stunning Start on Monday where we learnt all about the human and physical features of a village. The children enjoyed exploring the village to find the different features. They showed exemplary behaviour and we were proud of how respectful they were in their community.
In Literacy this week we have enjoyed learning all about non-chronological reports. The children have been writing sentences with cohesion and even trying some tricky grammar skills by using commas in a list. I have been impressed with all of the children's enthusiasm to learn our text map!
In Maths the children have continued to practise using the dividing sign. The children have been using practical resources to share and divide. They have even tried some problem solving activities this week!
In PE this term we are working on our athletic skills. The children enjoyed practicing their running skills this week. They worked hard to keep their knees bent, keep on their feet and keep their arms close to their body. Take a look at our ready postions below!
Our Star of the Week this week goes to Lily-Rose! We have been so impressed with Lily-Roses super attitude to learning and her improved behaviour! Well done Lily-Rose!
Don't forget Magpies to read at least 5 times this week and make sure you sign your reading records!
Friday 26th March
Happy Easter Holidays!
It’s been another brilliant week in Magpies class! It has certainly been an unusual term in many ways but the children have been amazing thought out! We finished the term by writing up our fantastic stories about the underwater adventure. We even made a class book of all our lovely writing so that we can read our stories in the book corner together!
In Science we enjoyed learning how to collect and present our data when finding out all about pets. We learnt how to best care for a pets. We even asked Mrs Salmons and Mrs Linehan some scientific questions about the new puppies!
In Topic this week, we enjoyed our class vote on who the best explorer was! We shared our ideas and then used a conscience alley to share our thoughts. I think Christopher Columbus got the vote from Magpies class!
We have also enjoyed our computing unit this week. We have used Purple Mash to learn all about the internet. The children enjoyed searching for fascinating dinosaur facts safely on the internet. They even created their own leaflet all about the World Wide Web!
A brilliant term of learning Magpies! Have a lovely Easter Holidays and a safe, restful break!
Friday 19th March
Second week in!
It is the second week in and we are still enjoying being back in school in Magpies! This week has flown by and the children have been incredibly busy with all of their learning!
In Literacy this week we have planned our own story. We even started writing our first paragraph by using our new skill of cohesion! We can't wait to write the middle next week!
In Maths we have continued to build upon our understanding of multiplication by using groups of. Today we enjoyed solving some array problems and even managed to think of our own number sentences!
For our History this week, we learnt how to compare the similarities and differences. We recapped all of our knowledge of Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong and then learnt about what was the same and what was the difference! I was incredibly impressed with all of the new learning the children had remembered!
In PE on Monday we enjoyed learning new games with James. We even had an Inter-house competition! In Tuesday's PE lesson we reminded ourselves of how to dribble a ball with control and then learnt how to do a bounce pass to our partner.
Our Star of the Week goes to Gabriel! Gabriel is consistently making great choices in Magpies and working incredibly hard with his learning. He is a quiet member of our class but a fantastic role model for the other children! Great job, Gabriel!
Friday 12th March
Welcome back Magpies!!
What an amazing week it has been! We have thoroughly loved having all of the Magpies class back in school this week! It's only been the first week back but Magpies class have worked their socks off!
In Literacy we have been learning the story of 'The Way Back Home'. We have enjoyed learning our text map and talking about the different features of a story! The children have been working hard to practise writing cohesive sentences.
In Maths we have recapped over our multiplication and division. We have been reminding ourselves of the language of 'lots of' and 'groups of' and then we have been having a go at some tricky reasoning and problem solving activities!
We have enjoyed our Topic lessons this week where we have been recapping the key events of Neil Armstrong's life. The children enjoyed tasting our astronaut food! We made a film about the different events to help us to remember them!
Our Star of the Week is Oscar! Oscar has had a brilliant week back and he has been ready to learn in every lesson!
We have been so impressed with how Magpies class have settled into their learning this week! They certainly deserve a well-earned rest this weekend!
(Our spellings for the week are save under the MS teams folder)
Thursday 16th December
Merry Christmas Everyone!
What another fantastic term in Magpies class! This week we have finished our Maths learning on money. The children enjoyed buying items at Mrs Sims' shop and working out how much change they would need. The children even had a go at some challenging two step problems!
In RE we enjoyed learning about Botticelli's Mystic Nativity and we came up with lots of questions about his painting. We used what we know about the Christmas story to think about some "I wonder" questions.
In amongst our learning this week we have found plenty of time to enjoy lots of Christmas crafts and activities! On Wednesday afternoon we enjoyed watching 'The Selfish Giant' panto! The children enthusiastically joined in with the actions and songs! We enjoyed performing our song to all of our parents on Tuesday!
Our favourite lunch was certainly our Christmas dinner this week! We made our Christmas hats, sang along to some Christmas tunes and enjoyed our delicious food!
Our Star of the week is Eloise. Eloise is a reliable, caring and encouraging member of Magpies class. She is always saying kind words to her peers and encouraging them in their work!
Have a wonderful Christmas Magpies! Stay safe, look after one another and let's hope Father Christmas makes a visit!
Friday 11th December
14 sleeps ‘till Santa!
The Magpies class are incredibly excited about Christmas but this hasn’t stopped them working incredibly hard this week! From growing our own cress, planting our bulbs to solving tricky Maths problems, the Magpies class have been amazing!
In Science we have enjoyed planting cress to find out whether a seed needs light to germinate. We have also decided on our own question to investigate about bulbs. We planted our bulbs and we are looking forward to watching them grow!
In Literacy this week we finished writing our character description about Shen. The children were incredibly proud of their writing!
In Art with Mrs Musson, the children have produced some amazing prints and drawings for their final piece. Take a look at some of the photos below…
Our Star this week is Sofia. Sofia is a pleasure to teach. She listens carefully, works hard during her independent learning and she is a kind friend who looks out for other children in our class!
Red Spellings- /ea/ sea, seat, bead, read, meat, treat, heap, least, steam, repeat
Blue Spellings- /adding –ed, -er and –est/- copier, copied, happier, happiest, cried, replied, tried, dried, driest, funnier
Friday 4th December
Advent has begun....
The days in Magpies Class seem to fly by! This week the children have been observing bulbs and seeds, writing postcards from the Artic and counting out coins with different amounts!
In Literacy this week the children have been coming up with expanded noun phrases and adjectives to describe Shen. We have been thinking about how she might feel at different points in the story and using clues from the text to help us infer.
In Maths, we have continued to learn about different ways that we can make the same amount. We tried to find as many different ways we could, using all of the coins!
This week in RE we thought carefully about the wise men and the special gifts they took to baby Jesus. We spoke about some of the gifts that we are thankful for at Christmas time (and not just the presents we receive!)
In Science we enjoyed looking at bulbs and seeds. We used magnifying glasses to talk about what was the same and what was different between them. The children drew some detailed observations from their findings. We are looking forward to next week when we can see how our plants have coped without light and water!
Our Star of the Week this week is Katie. Katie is a kind, thoughtful and hardworking member of Magpies! She is always looking out for other children, focusing well on her learning or being a busy bee helping Mrs Sims! Thank you Katie!
Spellings- Red- /ou/ out, found, about, cloud, proud, mountain, loudest, sound, scout and sprout
Spellings- Blue- Using the possessive apostrophe correctly
Friday 27th November
Take a peek at our amazing artwork!
Once again we have come to the end of a busy week in Magpies class! This week the children have thoroughly enjoyed researching about how plants, carefully observing leaves to draw them and designing Christmas baubles to help the NHS!
In Literacy this week the children have worked hard on practising their conjunctions. We have even started to use some more challenging conjunctions such as 'if' and 'when'. The children wrote all about Shen's adventures with her magical paintbrush!
In Maths we have continued our learning with money. The children have begun to count different coins and notes and solve some problem solving activities.
The children blew us away with their amazing artwork this week! With Mrs Musson, the children were carefully sketching and drawing leaves. Take a look at their work below...
This week in our reading lessons we have been working on the retrieve VIPER. The children been brilliant at using the text to retrieve their answers. Why don't you try asking your child some retrieval questions this week!
Our Star of the Week this week is Arthur. Arthur has impressed us over the past term with his excitement to read at home and in school and with his hard work in our lessons!
Red- /oa/ and /ow/ - toad, coach, goat, throat, toast, pillow, blow, glow, show, window
Blue- Contractions- can't, didn't, hasn't, couldn't, shouldn't, wasn't, Mr and Mrs
Friday 20th November
Around the continents, over the oceans and spotting the equator!
Another fantastic week in Magpies class! This we week have had a jam packed week of learning!
In Literacy we finished writing our Meerkat Mail stories. The children are so proud of their writing so we had to put it up on display! The children have started to learn about a character description and enjoyed listening to the story of the Magic Paintbrush by Julia Donaldson. We have spent a bit of time reminding ourselves what an adjective is and what a noun is. We put these together to create some brilliant expanded noun phrases to describe Shen the character.
In Maths this week we have finished our unit on addition and subtraction. The children enjoyed a problem solving activity using their number bonds and helping them to add single digit numbers. Next week we will begin to learn about money so if you have a couple of minutes over the weekend it would be worth having a look at some coins!
This week it is anti-bullying week. We have spent a lot of time thinking about what we can do to make sure our classroom and our school is a safe, happy place to be. We thought about some ideas of how to be a great friend and include everyone in our games.
Our Star of the Week this week is Caitlin! Caitlin has really worked hard in our lessons over the past few weeks and she is becoming a brilliant independent learner! Well done Caitlin!
Blue Spellings- /tion/ station, fiction, motion, national, section, addition, subtraction, potion, option
Red Spellings- /ay/ day, play, May, say, stray, tray, delay, crayon, clay
Friday 13th November
Plant Explorers!
Magpies Class have had a wonderful week! The week started when we enjoyed planning our story writing all about Sunny the meerkat. The children have really enjoyed writing their own story this week. They have been thinking carefully about their capital letters, conjunctions and their use of adverbs. We are excited to finish the end to our stories next week!
In Maths this week the children have been continuing to learn about addition and subtraction. The children have been solving problems and using their understanding of addition to reason. Mrs Meredith came to join in our Math's meeting and she was so impressed how hard the children were working to practise all their maths fluency skills!
In Science this week we enjoyed learning all about how plants grow best. We set up our investigation to find out how much light a plant needs to grow healthily.
Our Star of the Week this week goes to Amelia! Amelia has been working incredibly hard in our lessons and she has impressed us with her reading at home.
Have a great, safe weekend and don’t forget to bring in your entry for our Children in Need competition next week!
Friday 6th November
What a Wonderful World!
It has been a brilliant week back in Magpies class! The children are already thoroughly excited by our new topic! This term we are learning all about the world and the different continents. We enjoyed getting the maps, globes and atlases out this week and we were able to find the 7 continents. The children were really good at working together in their partners.
In Maths we have been subtracting and adding two digit numbers together with two digit numbers. Not an easy task, but the children have persevered with their learning. We will continue to work on this next week!
In Literacy we have enjoyed continuing the story of Sunny and his adventures in Meerkat Mail. We have learnt all about adverbs, questions and the key features of a story text. The children are looking forward to writing their own stories next week!
Our Star of the Week is Chase. Chase always works hard but this week he has been noticed going the extra mile in his learning. He has been ready quickly on the carpet and he has been confidently sharing his ideas with the class. Thank you Chase!
Don't forget to enter the mascot designing competition over the weekend!
Red Spellings /are/ care, bare, share, dare, hare, rare, scare, aware
Blue Spellings /suffixes/ enjoyment, sadness, careful, playful, plainness, argument, happiness, cheerful
Friday 23rd October
Fact Finders!
The Magpies class have had a brilliant Autumn term together! We are so proud of all of the hard work and progress the children are making!
This week in Literacy we have been practising writing questions, exclamations and remembering to use our capital letters in our sentences! The children have worked hard to understand the difference between a question and an exclamation sentence.
In Maths we have enjoyed some problem solving activities working in our talk partners. The children were using their knowledge of addition to help them solve problems. They were even able to explain their thinking to their partner clearly.
A highlight of the week has to be finishing off our fire engines. The children thoroughly enjoyed putting their fire engine together and decorating it. We spent some time evaluating our product as well. Take a look at some of our final pieces in the pictures below!
We enjoyed spending some time in our class assemblies this week thinking about all of the things we are thankful for. The children spent some time reflecting on their week and their first term in Magpies. We even started a little thankfulness box where we have put all of our reflections.
Our Star of the Week this week is Harrison. Harrison has made a real effort this term will all of the curriculum. Harrison is always caring and looking out for other children in our class. Thank you, Harrison.
Have a well deserve break Magpies and I look forward to hearing all about your adventures when we get back!
Red spellings-recap of spellings this term: home, bone, time, coin, kite, boy, straw, crawl, torn, fork
Blue spellings-recap of spellings this term: knit, knife, gnome, wrong, circle, race, badge, change, energy, magic
Friday 16th October
If only they had fire engines back in 1666!
A fantastic week in Magpies class this week. The children are continuing to work incredibly hard and put 100% into all of our subjects!
This week in Literacy and Topic we have been writing Samuel Pepy's diary. The children have use conjunctions, adjectives and expanded noun phrases to add detail to their writing. They have thought of many brilliant sentences and enjoyed reading their writing aloud to one another.
In Maths this week the children have become detectives! They have been busy looking for patterns when they are adding and subtracting tens. The children even solved some tricky word problems this week. Some of us challenged ourselves to try some two step word problems!
In our Design and Technology lessons the children have completed their fire engine design with a partner. They used a saw to cut the doweling for their axle and managed to put their fire engine together. The children enjoyed painting their fire engines red!
Our Star of the Week this week is Louis. Louis has impressed us throughout the term with his fantastic knowledge about the Great Fire of London. He always has an interesting nugget to share! Thank you Louis!
Red Spellings fork, torn, born, worn, fort, cord, cornet
Blue Spellings (Tricky words) door, again, floor, wild, children, parents, most, only, both, climb
Friday 9th October
The fire comes to an end....
Magpies class have had a fantastic week together! In our Topic learning this week the Magpies have been thinking about how the Great Fire of London eventually stopped. The children wrote some brilliant reports explaining all about how the fire came to an end. They came up with some exciting headlines to catch the readers attention!
In Literacy the children have been busy boxing up the text and planning to write their own recount. We were impressed with the word banks that they made on Wednesday to describe the fire and the feelings of the people. Take a look next week to see the final recount writing!
In Maths we have been learning to add and subtract ones. The children were very confident at using Base 10 and jottings to do this so we quickly moved onto some tricky reasoning problems! The children are becoming really confident at explaining their ideas to their talk partner.
In RE this afternoon the children enjoyed making candles as they reflected on 'Why Jesus is Good News to Christians?' The children were able to suggest reasons why Jesus brings Good News and they remembered stories from the Bible to help them.
Our Star of the Week this week is Seb. Seb is a cheerful member of the class who has been quick to follow our school rules. Seb has worked carefully on his work and he has brightened up our classroom with his sense of humour!
Have a great weekend Magpies!
Red Spellings-/aw/ dawn, straw, raw, hawk, saw, claw, crawl, lawn, jaw, draw
Blue Spellings-/ge/dge/ badge, edge, bridge, dodge, fudge, huge, charge, village, change, age
Friday 2nd October
Furious Flames!
Another week of learning has flown by in Magpies Class!
The children are full of facts about the Great Fire of London and they are thoroughly enjoying their topic learning! This week we learnt how to order events on a timeline and we found out all about what made the fire spread so quickly. This afternoon, we enjoyed reading our topic books and sharing new facts with our friends. Did you know the Great Fire of London started in Pudding Lane?!
This week Maths has been a challenge! We have been learning all about fact families and started to learn how to use the inverse to check for a number sentence. We also enjoyed having a go at Times Table Rock Stars. The children all have a login now and they are excited to practise their times tables at home!
In Literacy this week we have learnt all about conjunctions. We practised writing some sentences with 'and' and even tried to use 'because' to give the reader more information. The children came up with some brilliant adjectives to describe how the people of London would feel about the fire!
Our Star of the Week this week is Gabriel! Gabriel is always working hard, listening carefully and helping others around our classroom. He is quick to follow our class rules and he can be relied upon to work well independently. We are proud to have you in Magpies, Gabriel!
A huge well done to all of those children that have been reading at home 5 times a week (or more!) Keep it up Magpies and don't forget to keep recording your reading in your reading records!
Red Spellings- /oi/ and /oy/- coin, boil, oil, tinfoil, annoy, join, toy, boy, enjoy, joy
Blue Spellings-/g/ and /j/- gem, giant, magic, giraffe, energy, jacket, jar, join, jog, adjust
Friday 25th September
Marvelous Magpies!
This week the Magpies class have been incredibly busy! We started the week by planning our own setting description based on the book 'Pumpkin Soup'. The children were able to come up with some fantastic adjectives to describe the old, white cabin. We wrote our setting description and even had a go at editing it to make it even better!
In Maths this week we have learnt to compare numbers using the greater than and less than symbols. We ordered numbers and explained to our talk partner how we knew which order the numbers went in. We enjoyed solving some challenging place value riddles!
In Science the children carried out an investigation to find out if bendy materials could support a toy car. They enjoyed working together and recording their results. In Design and Technology the children investigated wheels and axles ready to build their fire engines. Take a look at our pictures below!
Our Star of the week this week is Reuben. Reuben has worked incredibly hard and managed to be the first child to finish his Bronze sticker chart! Amazing learning Reuben!
Have a great weekend Magpies!
Red Spellings i-e pipe, time, kite, knife, shine, mice, invite
Blue Spellings s-c ice, cell, city, fancy, space, face, bicycle, circle, spicy, race
Friday 18th September
Pudding Lane is in a panic!
Once again Magpies Class have had a brilliant week! All of children have been working hard and learning so much!
We have enjoyed our Topic lessons this week. The children have become researchers and have found out so many interesting facts all about the fire of London. We looked at two sources of information and decided which one helped us the most. The children worked in pairs to look carefully at the picture and an extract of Samuel Pepy's diary. Some fantastic team work seen all around the classroom!
In Maths this week we have been solving challenging reasoning problems. We have practised showing the numbers in different ways and deciding whether the representations of numbers were true or false. We have been very impressed by just how well the children can explain their ideas to their partner.
In Literacy we have written all about the Great fire of London. The children enjoyed coming up with some amazing vocabulary to describe what the fire might have been like and how the people of London might have felt! The children chose amazing words like "uncontrollable", "powerful" and "crackling"!
We enjoyed our Science lesson this week where we tested to see which material would be best for a kitchen cloth. We used equipment to help us and the children tested a range of materials.
Our Star of the Week this week is Oscar. Although Oscar is a quiet member of our class, he is always working incredibly hard and always trying his best with his learning. Oscar is a fantastic role model for his amazing attitude towards learning. Well done Oscar!
Spellings Red (o-e, oe)- home, alone, stone, bone, phone, toe, goes
Spellings Blue- (wr)- write, wrote, wrap, wren, wrestle, written, wrong, wrist, wreck, wriggle
Friday 11th September
A brilliant first full week!
Magpies, we couldn't be any prouder of you! The Magpies class have worked their socks off this week! We started the week with our Literacy lesson and writing all about the city of London in 1666. We have learnt to use exclamation sentences and even some really tricky expanded noun phrases. I have been really impressed with the fantastic adjectives that the children have thought of.
In Maths we have been learning to show numbers in different ways. We have enjoyed using the Numicon, bead strings, Base 10 and number lines to show the different numbers. Today, we enjoyed some tricky problem solving and although it was a challenge at first, the children all managed to explain their ideas by the end of the lesson!
This week we have also enjoyed learning about the properties of different materials, practising our catching in PE and learning about how fire was used in the home in 1666. What a busy week it has been!
Our Star of the Week this week is Betty. Betty has been quick to follow instructions, helpful around the class and she has been working really well on her independent learning. Well done Betty!
Your child will have brought a reading book/s home this Thursday. This will need to be returned to school next Thursday. Please make sure that you record any reading in your child's reading record.
Oxford Reading Buddy is also up and running. Your child's user name and new password can be found at the front of their reading record. Please login and enjoy the stories together!
Have a great weekend Magpies!
Spellings Red - ai/ay/a-e- rain, pain, paint, play, crayon, stray, bake, cake, snake, escape
Blue- kn/gn- knock, know, knee, knitting, knife, gnat, gnaw, gnash, gnome, gnarl
Friday 4th September
Welcome to Magpies!
Welcome to our Magpies class! We have had a brilliant few days together. We have been busy learning all of our new routines and we have enjoyed seeing all our friends again.
Our Topic this term is "Panic on Pudding Lane!" The children are already enjoying learning lots about the Great Fire of London. Yesterday we enjoyed learning about the rich and poor houses in London. We creatively built our house out of junk modeling. Take a look below at our fantastic models! Today we learnt how to ask historical questions about the Great Fire.
In Literacy today we wrote a setting description about London in 1666. We were impressed with the children's writing and how many amazing adjectives they came up with.
An amazing first week! Well done Magpies!